Chocolate and Heart Palpitations

I have suffered from mild tachycardia, or rapid heart beat, for most of my life. Simple triggers like mild stress and caffeinated tea can sometimes exacerbate my naturally excitable heart, leading to palpitations– the sensation of a pounding, uncomfortably fast heart beat. Although I’m as crazy about chocolate as any other red-blooded American woman, I know I have to limit my intake of chocolate– especially dark varieties. Chocolate can, in large amounts, cause or exacerbate heart palpitations.

Caffeine Effects

Caffeine is responsible for many, if not most, of the side effects attributed to chocolate. According to Mayo Clinic, very large amounts of chocolate can exert a powerful stimulant effect, leading to the classic symptoms associated with stimulant use– anxiety, agitation, insomnia and increased heart rate. For those especially sensitive to caffeine, the amount found in chocolate may be sufficient to produce heart palpitations.

Amount of Caffeine in Chocolate

Although chocolate does contain appreciable amounts of caffeine, it is unlikely to affect the heart rate of people who are not predisposed toward palpitations. Levels of caffeine in chocolate are fairly low– ranging from 11 to 30 milligrams per 1.5-ounce bar. Compare this dose to coffee, which packs 137 milligrams in each serving.

Theobromine in Chocolate

Along with caffeine, chocolate contains a matrix of other stimulants. The most prominent, and highly researched, of these compounds is theobromine– the same stimulant responsible for chocolate’s toxicity to animals. While theobromine isn’t likely to cause palpitations in humans when consumed in moderate amounts, it can cause rapid heart rate and other stimulant side-effects if eaten in large quantities.


Even if you have a tendency toward heart palpitations, you don’t necessarily have to avoid chocolate entirely. Chocolate is safe for the vast majority of people. However, people who are especially prone to palpitations might consider avoiding dark chocolate due to its high theobromine and caffeine content. Milk chocolate, in moderate amounts, is far less likely to cause heart palpitations. If you are concerned about chocolate’s impact on your heart health, consult your primary health care provider to determine whether you should avoid it.

Resources Used

Cleveland Clinic: Arrhythmia– Heart Palpitations

March of Dimes: Caffeine in Pregnancy Chocolate– Safety

Santa Cruz Biotechnology: Theobromine

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