Casey Anthony is Back in Florida as Hurricane Irene is Headed that Way

Central Florida 13 News reports that Casey Anthony is back in Florida for her check fraud appeal. Anthony’s lawyer, Jose Baez, confirmed her return to Florida and stated that Anthony is ready to serve her probation if her appeal is denied. Anthony’s defense team appealed on her behalf last week stating she already served her probation while in jail. Judge Belvin Perry ruled that Anthony’s probation was to start after her release from jail.

Anthony is back in Florida while a Hurricane appears to be headed to Florida. BBC News reports early this Monday morning that Irene has strengthened into a hurricane and is headed for Haiti. Hurricane Irene was a tropical storm yet has now strengthened to a hurricane. Irene claims the title as the first hurricane this season for the Atlantic. Irene still looks to be on the path to hit the Dominican Republic and possibly Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas.

With Anthony back in Florida and the unsure storm path of Irene, Florida is sure to have an eventful week. Both Anthony and Irene are sure to stir up much commotion. Anthony has caused many tears while Irene is sure to produce much rain. This week is set to produce much news, water, wind, and emotion.

Anthony’s fate is in the hands of the court system while Hurricane Irene is in the hands of mother nature. America cannot control Anthony’s fate nor Hurricane Irene. The path for both Anthony and Irene will soon be clear. America has to wait and watch as this weeks events unravel and unravel they will.

It is interesting that a person and a storm can have so much in common. Anthony and Irene are both sources of great commotion, are capable of much destruction, and both are forces of which many want to avoid. A storm is a violent disturbance of the atmosphere and so it seems that two storms are possibly going to fight for the title in Florida this week. Which storm will get more news coverage and do more damage, Anthony or Irene? That is a question that only time will answer.


13 News, “Casey Anthony is back in Florida, Baez confirms”, Central Florida 13 News.

BBC News, “Irene strengthens into hurricane as it heads for Haiti”, BBC News

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