Will alcohol kill a virus

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Will alcohol kill a virus”,you can compare them.

Rubbing alcohol can kill a virus if applied directly onto it. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-alcohol-kill-a-virus ]
More Answers to “Will alcohol kill a virus
Can isopropyl alcohol kill the AIDS virus?
No, unfortunately isopropyl alcohol cannot kill the AIDS virus. there is no know cure yet for this virus. AIDS is too a virus and no, scientists have yet to discover a cure for this disease.
WIll rubbing alcohol kill the HIV virus?
Bleach kills the virus, not rubbing alcohol. If there’s a blood spill then clean up the surface with bleach to kill the virus. Bleach kills the virus on objects only, not in the living body
Will ethyl alcohol based hand sanitizers kill H1N1 virus??
I would like to suggest that MagnusMo go back and read the article that the refers to in his answer. The article clearly states that alcohol based hand sanitizers are primarily useful in vegetative (bacterial infections) and only a limite…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will ethyl alcohol based hand sanitizers kill H1N1 virus?
Q: Will ethyl alcohol based hand sanitizers kill H1N1 virus? I have always been under the impression that alcohol does not kill any type of viruses. Please answers from experts with references!
A: yup. Alcohol kills most kinds of viruses. (But not all)
Will alcohol kill a virus???????????
Q: I was drinking Jim Beam out of the bottle, later that night, or morning, i started vomiting. I had a really bad stomach virus. Can i drink out of that bottle again or no?My family had it too.
A: Are you positive it was a virus? And not alcohol poisoning. That feels worse than a virus. I wouldn’t drink out of that bottle just to be on the safe side. Pour it in a glass…lol.
WIll rubbing alcohol kill the HIV virus?
A: Bleach kills the virus, not rubbing alcohol. If there’s a blood spill then clean up the surface with bleach to kill the virus.Bleach kills the virus on objects only, not in the living body
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