Why is there blood in my feces

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Blood in the feces could mean several things, from a tear to a warning from your body. It is best to get it checked out. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-there-blood-in-my-feces ]
More Answers to “Why is there blood in my feces
What can cause blood in your feces?
it’s not official it may be exactly this but some possibilities are that you have colon cancer or a polyp, which is an abnormal growth. but of course polyps can be removed surgically. you may also have a stomach inflammation and the blood f…
What does it mean if you have blood in your feces?
The above poster is correct, but you could also have what they fissures which are small cuts in the rectal area causing bleeding. If this continues please see your doctor and they will take a stool sample from you (you can do it at home) an…
Why is there blood in my dog’s feces?
Hi XXXXXX, There are many things this could be. Parasites such a s worms, protazoa such as giardia and cociddia, a foreign item in the intestines, or dietary intolerance are all reasons for this. Your best bet is to take a fresh stool sampl…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is there blood in my feces?
Q: There is blood in my feces, it happenes once or sometimes upto three times in a row (times I go to the restroom). I almost always go once everyday mostly right after I get up from bed or after breakfast. I hardly ever have a hard time, I go very easily and it does not take me that long (dont sit for a long period of time), It stops after two or three sittings but a mo later (sometimes a few months later) starts again, mostly with diherea or soft feces, no pain at all. (or at least I dont remember feeling any pain before). Its hard to say what color, it sometimes looks like bright red but it also looks a little dark. There have been times in the past where its soft feces with a red (blood) streek (line) from start to end (top to bottom??). When its with diherea, its watery, darkish brown with red, blood looks a little thick. What I dont understand is that I dont understand whats causing it. I excersie (light excersise) onces or twice a week, I think I have a good diet, I dont strain.
A: I work in a GI clinic and strongly urge you to see a proctologist.A proctologist, more often referred to as a colorectal surgeon, is a medical professional who specializes in diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus. Rectal bleeding is abnormal and needs to be investigated as soon as possible by a trained physician for an accurate diagnosis. This could be as simple as hemorrhoids or as serious as cancer but no matter the outcome it needs immediate attention.
Why is there a bit of blood in my feces? Should I be worried?
Q: I have some blood coming out in my feces. My intestines/stomach do not hurt, although I have felt as though my stomach is slightly swollen (I am not sure whether or not this is related). There is only a small amount, it isn’t dark blood or anything, and it doesn’t hurt when I use the bathroom. I haven’t (excuse the term) “pooed” in a while, and when I do it is either a small amount or a lot. There is a small amount of blood in it; and I find it worrying. I have seen other answers on this website suggesting that people with symptoms similar to mine should see a doctor; but I am not sure. Firstly, I do not think that it is very severe, and secondly, I would not like to inform my parents before it is absolutely necessary (I am only 15). Thanks in advance!
A: Most likely it’s just constipation, but it really would not hurt to get it checked out. Tell your parents, that’s what they are there for! If you don’t go to the doctor, you may be dealing with something much worse later. Tell them. They would want you to.
really embarrassing.. why is that when I wipe my butt (as in where the feces go out), there’s blood?
Q: I haven’t told my family yet, and I don’t know it’s just a wound or what.I think it’s last week when it started and now that I had my bowel movement, the blood increased.I’m just a young lady and I haven’t been involved in any sexual intercourse.
A: If it is bright red blood then it could be that your bowel movement was just too hard (meaning that you’re a little constipated) and you could have a small tear and that tear keeps opening up every time you use the bathroom. As long as it is just a small amount and goes away quickly then you should be ok. You could have hemorrhoids too that you have irritated. Hemorrhoids can be caused by being constipated and straining too hard. But, if it looks like old blood (dark in color) then it could be coming from your intestines and you really should get that checked out by a doctor. Don’t be embarrassed. These things happen. Try changing your diet by eating more fiber and drinking more water. Please tell your mom if things don’t change.
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