Why is pee yellow or clear

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The ideal healthy urine color is actually a light straw yellow color. Over-hydration and diabetes causes clear urine. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-pee-yellow-or-clear ]
More Answers to “Why is pee yellow or clear
Why is some pee yellow and some clear?
It depends on the proportion of waste products to water in the urine. If you are dehydrated, your urine will be much darker yellow. If you drink a lot of water, it will flush out through your system faster than the waste products build up, …
Why is my pee yellow or clear?
The yellow is from the breakdown of old blood cells. It is a compound called urobilirubin and your kidneys pee it out. If your urine is clear, it is not necessarily a sign that you are well hydrated, but a sign that there is not much urobil…
Should pee be clear or yellow if you are healthy??
if you pee clear, it means you have drank 2 or more bottles of water in an attempt to stay awake.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why is pee yellow/clear no matter what you drink?
Q: I can’t understand how I can drink red wine, ribena, chocolate milkshake, and yet my pee is always the same colour. How? Where does the coloured liquid from your drink go?
A: The pee is not the liquid you drink! It is the waste produced by the kidneys after cleaning your blood! You don’t suppose ribena and chocolate milkshake is in your blood?
Why is my pee yellow or clear?
Q: somtimes my pee is clear!
A: The yellow is from the breakdown of old blood cells. It is a compound called urobilirubin and your kidneys pee it out. If your urine is clear, it is not necessarily a sign that you are well hydrated, but a sign that there is not much urobilirubin in the urine. Most of the time it’s because the urine is dilute by a lot of water, though.
Why after urinating clear urine then the next time I pee yellow urine?
Q: I started to drink plenty of water (1 week ago – 14 or 15 cups of water per day) and I go often to the restroom. The urine is clear, but now after urinating a couple times, I noticed that one time my urine came out with yellowish color. Nothing to be concerned, but I was just curious why this happens when I’ve drunk plenty of water and had had urinated clear urine and then yellow.
A: If you don’t replenish the water that has been lost when you urinate, then that’s when your urine color begins turning darker. Even if you drink plenty of water, after you urinate the first time and it’s clear, you’re losing water and hydration from the body. If you don’t drink more water between the first time you urinate and the other couple times, your body becomes less and less hydrated. If you don’t replenish it, then eventually your urine will be a dark yellow.It’s good to have your urine clear and keep your body adequately hydrated. Don’t just do it at one time, then stop. Drink enough fluids throughout the day and your urine should stay a clear to light yellowish color. Whenever you get thirsty, drink plenty of water and fluids to keep clear urine.Stay hydrated through the summer months and all through the year. This keeps infection down from the bladder and keeps your body energized and healthy, not to mention your urine clear. There’s nothing to worry about and urine is a good way to tell how hydrated your body is. Hope this helps.
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