Why Im sad

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why Im sad”,you can compare them.

You probably have depression. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-im-sad ]
More Answers to “Why Im sad
The people who rip into a package to get the goods inside should (in my opinion) never have had the package to begin with. Those who can admire the package when they know what is inside and don’t go after it are more often allowed to touch …
How can i cheer up im sad/depressed?
Okay I am going to paste my answer from another similar question that you had (won best answer). Their situation was a bit more “worse” than yours because they were really in the depression state. If you don’t read what I have to …
When im sad i feel safe?
You’re not alone. i understand this feeling. I think there is a strange comfort in sadness particularly if you’re used to it. It’s safer to be disappointed all the time and just feel bad then get lifted up and then thrown to the ground. The…

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my fish died and i realy want to no why plz read im realy sad?
Q: my guppie tonight was sucked by the filter just by its tail thogh im realy mad cause its never happend before and im sad because its not like it died like itself it died forcfully by the filter im mad what can i do could plz help im realy sad
A: put a little net over the filter’s end
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Q: When I am sad my heart actually hurts why does it really hurt?
A: when you have alot of things on your mind you can get a head ake, it’s the same with the heart. when you get scared or sad, your heart can get over worked and you can pump a little faster. (It shouldnt hurt)
why am i tired when im sad?
Q: just curious. ive beenr eally sad recently, and ive also been extremely tired even when i get plenty of sleep. theres normally certain “sleep” times that i can go to bed differently and i sleep beautifully, but recently even when i do that im tired. ther tiredness and sadness coincide perfectly. why?
A: because being sad is an emotionally draining, which takes havoc on your body which will make you tired. That also coincides with depression! I know this personally! When i go through spouts of depression i know I’m always tired and crabby from not sleeping well because of this!
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