Why does my wrist hurt when I move it

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does my wrist hurt when I move it”,you can compare them.

Colles’ fracture – a common fracture of the forearm near the wrist. There are many possibilities, best advice…see a doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-my-wrist-hurt-when-i-move-it ]
More Answers to “Why does my wrist hurt when I move it
Why dose my wrist hurt when i move it?
You could have broken or sprained your wrist (both examples only). I would recommend seeing your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they say.
Is it suposed to hurt when you move your wrist when it’s spraned??
Yes, it’s a sore muscle. I don’t think I’ve ever had a sprain that didn’t hurt. It hurts even more when you rip a tendon, one of those muscle fibers that attach to your bone and keep the muscle and bone together.
Why do my wrists hurt when I move them or hold things like a game…?
I wonder if it feels like a hairline fracture in both wrists. The reason I ask is if it’s in both wrists it does sound like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which does progress unless you do something to intervene. You can purchase wrist supports to…

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Q: I’ve come to notice that when I start my period my wrist hurts. It only hurts when I move it around. Is this just a fluke? Or could there me something connected. I’ve noticed this happen with every period for at least 3 months now. It has happened longer though. I’ve just now proved that it only happens when I start my period though. Thanks!
A: There could be a connection between the two because of the surge in hormones at that time.I’ve also met some women who have had problems with a condition called endometriosis and have it affected the skin and other areas of the body.I’m just using this as an example.I would recommend checking with your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they think could be going on.
Why does my wrist hurt when I bend it back or forward?
Q: It’s been hurting since about January. I’m thinking carpal tunnel, but it doesn’t tingle or wake me up because of it. If I bend them with pressure it hurts. It hurts without pressure (just letting it hang down), but not as much. If I try to bend it considerably, without another hand, it hurts. It doesn’t cause pain to shoot up my arm, the pain is in just the wrist. Also, I can move my fingers fine. Can someone help? And please tell me what I need to do to fix it… thanks!
A: it doesn’t sound like carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel is very very painful and shoots up your arm. It might be best to just get a wrist brace and keep it still for some time. This might help it heal.
Why does my wrist always click when i do bicep curls with weights?
Q: it always clicks and now ,y wrist hurts when i move ithow can i do them without it clicking?
A: You are actually dislocating your wrist by using too much weight for it. Since bicep curls are basically worthless, you might consider removing them from your workout.If you just have to have them, use a compression strap to force your wrist to maintain a neutral position.
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