Why does my head itch

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does my head itch”,you can compare them.

Dandruff,.. Try using a moisture shampoo [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-my-head-itch ]
More Answers to “Why does my head itch
Why does my head itch?
It might be that, or it might be that your scalp is dry. Your mom might have a point about you feeling buggy out of paranoia, especially if lice are going around. If your scalp is just dry, start using something like castille soap (not just…
What makes your head itch?
the possible cause is a minor skin condition called sebroheic dermatitis which can cause a lot of itching on the first layer of the dermis.
Does dandruff make your head itch?
it depends on how bad your dandruff is. it can be just lazy flakes sitting around or they could be attaching to your head making you have to scratch them to get it off.

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A: simple: they irritate your head
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A: ok first you should let someone check ur hair for you all around and inside it too cuz there might be bald spots and if u dont have bald spots its maybe cuz ur hot or u have a skin disorder and u need to see a dermatoligsit
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A: take shower more often.
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