Why does morning breath smell so bad

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does morning breath smell so bad”,you can compare them.

At night your saliva production slows, letting bacteria grow. The bacteria that grow contain sulfur, sulfur causes bad breath. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-morning-breath-smell-so-bad ]
More Answers to “Why does morning breath smell so bad
Why does “Morning Breath” smell so bad??
Bad breath is caused often because you haven’t brushed and flossed well .If you don’t keep teeth and gums free of the bacterial buildup, they’ll start to cause odor as the bacteria rot leftover food particles in your mouth. A few seeds of c…
Why does your breath smell so bad in the morning??
Here it is : Almost everyone has bad breath first thing in the morning. During the day, movement of the tongue and cheeks dislodges food debris and dead cells, and these are washed away by saliva. While we are asleep our tongue and cheeks d…
Why does ur breath smell so bad in the morning??
When you sleep, your mouth dries out. the saliva in your mouth helps to wash the bacteria away. So when your mouth dries out, the bacteria builds up, and that is what you are smelling

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does “Morning Breath” smell so bad?
A: Bad breath is caused often because you haven’t brushed and flossed well .If you don’t keep teeth and gums free of the bacterial buildup, they’ll start to cause odor as the bacteria rot leftover food particles in your mouth. A few seeds of cardamon chewed for a brief while will clear your mouth of bad breath. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. More useful remedies at http://useinfo5.blogspot.com/
Why does your breath smell so bad in the morning even after you have brushed that night?
A: It only takes a few cells of bacteria, left in your mouth after you brush to cause a stench. The cells multiply so rapidly in the moist warmth of your mouth. Your mouth is almost an ideal incubator for bacteria. So, by morning, a few cells have become a few million cells and the result is bad breath. Try flossing, and brushing your tongue. Your tongue is where most of the bacteria hide.
Why does ur breath smell so bad in the morning?
Q: its nasty. lolwhy.
A: When you sleep, your mouth dries out. the saliva in your mouth helps to wash the bacteria away. So when your mouth dries out, the bacteria builds up, and that is what you are smelling
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