Why does marijuana cause mood swings

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Marijuana comes from a plant that contains THC, which is “psychoactive” (it affects mood and behavior) and can be addictive. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-marijuana-cause-mood-swings ]
More Answers to “Why does marijuana cause mood swings
Does marijuana cause mood swings?
I think it is fair to say that it does cause mood swings as it is a drug and all drugs come with some sort of side effect to them. Some people may feel totally relaxed with it whereas others may have signs of depression or paranoia. It also…

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Marijuana causing mood swings?
Q: My friend’s husband smoked weed for 7 years before they got married and she made him stop once they got married and he seemed to be ok at first. However, lately he has been ‘acting out’ by yelling at her when he is angry and just going on and on (sometimes I hear him in the background when I am on the phone with her). I am starting to think that his mood swings are being caused by his withdrawal from the drug. Could this be why he is acting like this? If so, will it get better in time, or does he need therapy to help him? I’m worried for my friend, because she said he gets in her face sometimes and has physically touched her before! Help!Sorry, he stopped smoking only 3 or 4 months ago when they got married. Before that, he smoked for 7 years up UNTIL they got married.
A: He was probably using the marijuana to self medicate for some other psychological problem. Now that he is not using marijuana the problem is showing itself. It has never been proven that marijuana causes anytype of behavior problems.
would having a medical marijuana card hurt my med school application?
Q: hi, recently ive been diagnosed with anxiety. my dr offers several treatments, but most of them are mood pills that usually cause dependency, mood swings, etc. but since i live in CA she said i could also consider medical marijuana. also im not so crazy about weed i would prefer it over antidepressants any day. right now im an undergrad but i want to apply to med school after i get my bachelors. ive worked very hard to stay in school and get good enuf grades to have a decent shot at attending a good medical college. my question is, would accepting treatment w. medical marijuana in anyway hurt my chances of being accepted? im assuming that it will be on my medical record, and it wouldn’t be too hard for them to access them. what do you think? would they use it against me? thanx 4 ur time!
A: 1st thought is no but you know how people are
medical marijuana haram?
Q: Thought i might ask this question since some one i know brought it up recently… But what i do know is that if marijuana is haram then that would also apply to probably half of prescription drug medications. There have been lots of deaths, brain damage and so forth from these substances. And i have not yet understood that something so safe and un-harmful (from scientific evidence) would be haram just because it changes the state of mind to something more positive less manic and agressive behaivor. It has pain killing properties without death being a side effect like some prescriptions. It doesn’t make u feel sick or suicidle like some anti depressents do. It does not make u forget about allah. It makes you more aware of your self and understand your self better. It helps you to ponder on important issues without having a biased intention while approaching the issue. What i mean is that i notice a lot of people that make judgments or interpretations biasedly because they have a desire or or some biased thinking in there head. so when they make choices they are influenced by these thoughts… Allah sais in the quran that alcohol has benefit and harms but the harms out weigh the benefits. This we see and is proven by science.. Science does not prove that about marijuana except biased studys done by some pharmaceutical companies. I have a diagnosis for bipolar and after tring about 20 different meds with full side effects and not one not to mention heleped me at all., my dr recomended that. I used to hear all this bad stuff about it. but i have to say that its the only thing thats helping me now. synthetic meds didn’t help at all but increase problems. Now my wife and i can live together unlike before because i dont scream at her for un important issues like i used to do. just flip a switch because somebody said something u dont like… Now with medical marijuana helps me think before i act. i dont get panic attacks any more. im happy. i don’t have mood swings. My wife said she loves me the other day. If i stop smoking i will just turn back into that shaitan i used to be… So it seems to work fine for me and not distract me from my deen and normal routine. I dont have much choice. other so called halal meds made me just feel worse. I thought the point of something being haram is if it is bringing harm to you. And no marijuana does not cause lung cancer. read that here – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_cannabis
A: Marijuana is extremely bad for your health and does bring harm to those who use it for recreational purposes.Those who have been medically prescribed it are usually MS sufferers not people with Bipolar as it effects mood dont see why they would add to a Bipolars and marijuana into the mix, oxymoron if you ask me.All drugs used in the correct manner as a medication for limited periods are normally fine. Anything that is used long term can have side effects and can be detrimental to ones health.Many drugs are from a natural source does not make them ”healthy” to take, just permissible for certain health problems.But sorry Marijuana for Bipolar? Never heard of it…It is Haram for recreational purposes. If someone is presribed it as medication then if the doctor is sure it helps the symptoms and there is no other alternative, of course its permissable. There are plenty of medications for Bipolar that do not contain marijuana.http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.asp?HD=1&ID=3264&CATE=13So unless your life depends on taking it, I recommend you dont…Hadith – Abu Dawood; Sahih Bukhari Abu ad-Darda reported that the Prophet said: “Allah has sent down both the malady and its remedy. For every disease He has created a cure. So seek medical treatment, but never with something the use of which Allah has prohibited.”
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