Why does it hurt when I pee

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does it hurt when I pee”,you can compare them.

You could have a urinary tract infection. It could be simple or serious. If it persists you need to consult a doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-it-hurt-when-i-pee ]
More Answers to “Why does it hurt when I pee
Painful urination (which doctors call dysuria ) following ejaculation is a relatively common complaint among normal, healthy, and otherwise disease-free males in my experience. This kind of dysuria is typically benign; ie, it doesn’t usuall…
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A: yeah, it’s normal. just take it easy, maybe some advil, and drink lots of water to make yourself pee. If it hurts, there may be enough damage to cause a uriniary tract infection, so try to flush out your system as often as you can. Otherwise, yeah, unfortunately it is normal. ;)good luck, hope you feel better soon!
Why does it hurt when i pee ?
Q: I had sex for the first time in months last tuesday and ever since then its hurt when ever i would pee . Not at first only when im almost finished & i think im peeing a little bit of blood . Any ideas ?
A: Herpes
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