Why does it do that

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Physics .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does it do that”,you can compare them.

Because the Earth is a globe spinning on an invisible axis, a point at its equator will make a circuit of 25,000 miles in MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-it-do-that ]
More Answers to “Why does it do that
How does it make you feel? Why does it do that?
Yes, the art teacher is the teacher, but the creative studio art teacher is confident enough to decide to facilitate learning how to think by NOT making suggestions, but by phrasing open questions that focus thinking and allow each student …
Why does it do that? Is it bad?
A dogs body temperature runs higher than a persons, on average 102-104 degrees Fahrenheit, so this is usual. If it gets really hot, like hotter than you have felt before you may want to see a vet. Unless there are any other serious symptoms…
Why does it do that and how can we stop it?
Hi Adam, Most rabbits use the bathroom in the same place all the time….assuming all things are normal. That trait is why it is usually very easy to litter box train rabbits. We try to litter box train all of our rabbits since it leads to …

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A: people want to stand out, have all the attention on them. quiet goodie goodies like me are unknown. it’s the simple truth. you’re not recorded in history for being anything special for following all of the rules and being “nice”. well those are my thoughts on it anyways.
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Why does it take time for your stomach to tell your brain it’s full?
Q: I remember reading somewhere that it takes approximately 20 minutes for your stomach to feel full after it has actually become full!Why is this?
A: Your right, it does take 20 mins. It’s to do with enzyme secretion and nerve stimulation travelling up your vagus nerve (if my memories of anatomy & physiology at uni are right). This is why they say to eat then wait half an hour to see if you are full.
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