Why do you get dry skin

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do you get dry skin”,you can compare them.

Some reasons for dry skin are: dry air, hot showers and baths, soap, itchy clothing, medications, and medical conditions. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-you-get-dry-skin ]
More Answers to “Why do you get dry skin
How can you prevent dry skin on knuckles that turns your skin bla…?
Dry Skin. Dry skin is most common in your lower legs, arms, flanks (sides of the abdomen), and thighs. The symptoms most often associated with dry skin include: Scaling, Itching, and Cracks in the skin.
It’s not fair! I’ve got dry skin and spots. How can that be??
Our Expert: I do sympathize – sometimes it does seem that life just isn’t fair! Have you been stripping your skin of oil in order to combat spots? For example, by washing your face too often or using skin products that are too harsh for …
Can you get dry skin bumps on your penis?
Bumps on the penis is common, usually because of hair.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do dry skin type people still have ance?
Q: I know oily skin people have higher percentage on ance. I am a dry skin type. Why do I still have ance? Am I lacking on any vitamins?
A: you may need to have an astringent that kills surface bacteria on the skin along with a good moisturizer. Try St Ives face mask daily. Also use phasedm regularly too.
Why does wearing foundation make dry skin look worse?
Q: I did not realize how dry my skin is until I put on my liquid foundation. Seriously, it brought out all the flakiness and rough patches. I look so much better without the foundation but I need some coverage for blemishes and evenness. Is this weird? Why does makeup bring out the dryness?
A: I would say the look that you’re noticing is most likely because our skin is transluscent. Meaning, light is dispersed through it, but it’s not really transparent. So you can see some veins but not everything that is going on inside your body. The dead skin cells are somewhat transluscent as well. When we put on our foundation, it kills the party. It’s opaque, doesn’t let light pass through as easily and it highlights every dip and curl of the edge of some dead skin and everything else. It’s even worse with dry skin because it sticks in the most awful way and doesn’t spread evenly.I have the same problem as you described. My skin has such a high turnover (you know they say your skin renews itself once a month? I think my face does it twice!) that I have to exfoliate gently every night and day! I also apply moisturizer after every exfoliation. I myself would rather wear makeup to be able to even out my skin and cover certain blemishes, so I gotta keep up on top of taking off the dead cells and keeping it as moisturized as possible.Also, maybe you want to check the ingredients of your makeup. Some can be more drying than others.. and that could aggravate the problem even more.
why do i have very small patches of dry skin around my body?
Q: You can’t really see the patches, but i can feel small dry patches of skin, smaller than a penny, on my back and thigh area. It is not causing me problems, i’m just curious as to why they are appearing! They’re not really itchy so i don’t think it’s excema, although i used to get that as a kid.
A: Could be mild Psoriasis See the Doc and they’ll treat it
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