Why do you get diarhea

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do you get diarhea”,you can compare them.

The most common cause of diarrhea is a virus that infects the gut. The infection usually lasts for two days and is sometimes MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-you-get-diarhea ]
More Answers to “Why do you get diarhea
The most common cause of diarrhea is viral gastroenteritis, a mild viral infection that goes away on its own within a few days. This condition is often called the stomach flu. Viral gastroenteritis often occurs in mini-epidemics in schools,…
Diarrhea is the proper spelling. It refers to having abnormal bowel movements in either consistency or frequency. We normally think of diarrhea as that watery looking stool, but it can also be much more frequent stooling than one has normal…
Chemotherapy and radiation often act on cells that are rapidly dividing, such as tumor cells. Cells in the lining of the intestines, hair follicles, mouth, and bone marrow are also rapidly dividing, so they can become damaged by the chemoth…

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Why is My 5 month old puppie is throwing up and has diarhea?
Q: He was fine last night and this morning he had threw up on the the floor. and has diarhea.He looks thin and wont eat.or drink.
A: could be parvo especially if he is having bloody dierrhea, but no one on here is going to be able to tell you for sure so take him to the vet asap. i could be very serious. probably there is no one on here with a vets licsense and that is what you need. your pup is going to need to be tested for parvo and worms, you VET is the only one that can do that. sorry
Why does diarhea come with cramps?
Q: I always get extremely bad cramps when i get my period. Most of the time, they come wtih diarhea. I was just wondering why that happens. Is it the pain? Is there some sore of pressure causing it? THANKS!
A: The cramps, whether during your period or not, are your body’s attempt to move things through. If the movement is speeded up, the feces spend less time in the large intestine. The large intestine is where your body would ordinarily reabsorb all of that water. Therefore, everything stays loose.
Why does my cat have diarhea?
Q: We’ve had her for about 3 months and she’s been fine with the kitty food we give her. Should we take her to the vet? She is 8 months old.
A: Have you given it milk? thay’re lactose intolorant…it can give them an upset tummy =)
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