Why do we get head aches

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do we get head aches”,you can compare them.

Headaches have a wide variety of causes, ranging from eyestrain to inflammation of the sinus cavities. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-we-get-head-aches ]
More Answers to “Why do we get head aches
Why do we get head aches?
OK It really depends on the type of headache you have. So I will give you the major types of headaches and the symptoms. Migraine- One sided, more common in females, Sensitivity to light, pain behind one eye, throbbing, brought on by bright…
How do you get rid of headaches?
Head aches are very annoying. There are many things that do trigger headaches such as stress, eye strain and motion. There are many things you can do to help relieve headaches. One is to take a wet warm compress and put it in back of your n…
How to Get Rid of Head Aches
・ 1 As much as possible, eliminate light and noise from your immediate environment. Draw the shades and… ・ 2 Draw a very hot bath. Make it as hot as you can safely and reasonably tolerate. ・ 3 Add one-half cup Epsom salts to the water. St…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why am I getting head aches from eating sugar?
Q: I get head aches really frequently, like almost 3 or 4 times a week. I’ve noticed that when I eat a fairly large amount of sugar at once, I get a HORRIBLE head ache that doesn’t go away for a whole entire day or longer. I know that if I take asprin or something it usually temporarily relieves it, but I kinda want to know the reason why it happens. Is there something wrong with me, or does that happen to most people?
A: u could be diabetic
why do i have these head aches and neck stiffness?
Q: I woke up about two weeks ago with these neck stifness, if I turn to the right or left I feel how the muscles feel stiff as I turn and not only my neck. During the day ill have head aches mostly in the back of my head. If you have an idea of why please let me know.
A: As a chiropractic intern, I see patients with symptoms similar to yours on a daily basis. Most of them have a misalignment of the joints in their neck. This misalignment puts undo strain on the muscles of their neck. As a result, they get headaches and especially have pain at the back of their head (that is where the muscles attach). You definitely need to see a chiropractor. They should be able to help you. In the event that you have something more severe (a very rare scenario), they will refer you out to the necessary specialist.I wish you the best
How do we feel head aches?
Q: If there are no nerve endings to transmit pain sensations in the brain. How can we feel head aches from stress, de-hydration etc but not usually from actual damage to the brain?
A: If ur head is empty…then u feel head aches
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