Why do tongues swell

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Tongue swelling occurs with Down syndrome, acromegaly, myxedema, amyloidosis, rhabdomyoma, and other disorders. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-tongues-swell ]
More Answers to “Why do tongues swell
What causes a person’s tongue to swell?
Well the tongue is a complex structure of two muscle groups right and left side. The normal tongue piercing is placed in between the two groups in the frenial valley. Regardless how good the piercer is the muscle is always nicked during the…
What causes the sides of your tongue to swell causing poor speech…?
My tongues on the right side gets rough and scratchy and the inside of my jaw turns black. My tongue becomes very sensitive and anything I put in my mouth is irritating. This comes and goes but always on the right side of my mouth.
Does your tongue swell really bad when pierced?
Some swell badly and other swell mildly but all tongue piercings swell to some extent, it’s the tongues normal reaction to trauma and helps set the healing process in motion. That is why we tell clients to keep popsicles and freezes on hand…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what types of tongues are more likely to swell after getting a tongue piercing?
Q: hi :)i was thinking about getting my tongue pierced and i was wondering which types of tongues swell more ( ex: long tongues, fat tongues…ect) and also, i was wondering if there is anyway to prevent the swelling.please help me out,
A: all tongue swell no matter what type you got honestly! # Comfortable: 3 days to 2 weeks# Healing Time: 6 months# Rinse frequently with warm salty water.# Ask for your piercer’s mobile phone number.# Avoid putting anything dirty in your mouth and refrain from kissing and oral sex during the healing phase.# Cold foods are best at first (e.g. ice-cream, milk shakes).# Do not play with the jewelry against your teeth or press it into your gums.# Never leave your jewelry out for more than a few hours during the first 6 months – the piercing may close.# Take vitamin C and zinc to maximise your healing.# To minimise swelling in the first few days, suck on ice-cubes and antibacterial/anti-inflammatory throat lozenges, and try not to talk too much# Cold DrinksKeep a supply of iced water on hand and sip this as required to reduce discomfort and swelling. Sucking ice cubes will also help.# FoodAt this stage it may be difficult to talk and eat because your tongue will be swollen. It is important to maintain your food intake during the healing period. High-calorie foods (e.g. milkshakes, ice-cream) will keep up your energy levels – if you do not eat enough, the healing process may be delayed. Cold foods are better tolerated than hot foods.You should avoid anything spicy, or stringy foods that may get caught on your new piercing.# Mouthwashing * Rinse your mouth with salty water as often as you like. The correct proportion is 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt to 8 ounces (250mls) of bottled water. Sea salt can be purchased from supermarkets or delicatessans. Do NOT use iodised salt as the iodine slows healing. * Try sucking antibacterial/anti-inflammatory throat lozenges such as Difflam ® to reduce the swelling. * Use a disinfectant mouthwash after eating: o Biotene ® o Listerine ®:It should be diluted to a quarter of the usual strength – otherwise the mouthwash will destroy your naturally occurring enzymes and kill the exposed healing tissues. o Oral_B ® o Rembrandt ® o Tech 2000 * If your tongue turns brown or green this is a sign that you should reduce the amount of mouthwash that you are using. * Do not use mouthwashes or toothpastes containing peroxide.SwellingYou may experience some swelling on Day 1, but the worst swelling occurs during Days 2-4. The swelling often feels much worse than it really is. Ice and cold drinks will help reduce swelling. Hot foods, spicy foods, talking a lot will tend to increase the swellingChanging BarbellsYour initial barbell is usually longer than the your tongue is thick, to accommodate swelling. After 5 – 10 days most people will see their piercer to fit a shorter bar.Never leave your piercing without jewelry for more than a few hours during the first 6 months! Even after this time a fully healed piercing may shrink, making it difficult to re-insert the jewelry.
Why does my tongue swell when I sleep?
Q: Every morning the last few monring, I wake up, and my tongue is swollen. My monring converstation consists of crude sign language and grunts. I can live perfectly fine with the swelling, I can still talk around it (my words just come out slurred) but I’m just curious as to why it keeps doing this.I sleep on my back or my side, head always elevated above my heart (head on pillow).I’m sixteen years old, and I’ve already checked, and it is not a side effect of any of the medications I’m taking for my ADD and Insomnia.
A: see your doctor. when your tongue swell at night, then you a higher chance of sleep apnea. this is when you stop breathing in the middle of the night due to your tongue relaxing and blocking your airway. just something to think about.
Why do certain foods make the tongue swell a little bit?
Q: I am not allergic to anything as far as I know . . . and whenever I eat – swiss cheese – walnuts – or eggplant, my tongue swells up a little bit . . . but then it’s back to normal about 15 minutes later. Is there something in these foods that would do this?
A: Go to a specialist you could be allergic to something used in these foods and be careful because a normally mild reaction can later become something very serious!
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