Why do people get nauseous

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people get nauseous”,you can compare them.

Some common causes of nausea: pregnancy, infections, food poisoning (foodborne illness), anxiety or stress,-want more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-get-nauseous ]
More Answers to “Why do people get nauseous
How can i get rid of nausea?
I’m kind of in the same boat, I’ve been severely nauseated for the last 7 months, and I’m also an emetophobic. I think your phobia is the reason for your symptoms. It’s a vicious cycle, you’re afraid which makes you nauseous which makes you…
Why do most people get nauseous after they exercise??
Most people? I didn’t think that was common. It can happen if you eat within an hour before you work out, if you aren’t hydrated, if you over-exert yourself, or if you get over-heated. Basically, just listen to what your body is telling yo…
Why Do I Get Nauseous After I Eat
Heartburn is the primary symptom of GERD. It is a burning sensation that radiates up from the stomach to the chest and throat. Heartburn is most likely to occur in connection with the following activities: After a heavy meal. Bending over. …

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Q: How come when people feel intense pain, they vomit or feel nauseous?
A: omg i dont know, but i def. know what you are talking about! Ive told my boyfriend about that and he thinks im crazy and he has no clue what im talking about. I think your body just doesnt know how else to handle it..? lol
why do people get nauseous when extremely upset?
Q: i know i do…when i’m really upset about something i feel like i’m going to be sick…why does that happen?
A: I am no expert, but I would assume it has something to do with various (nonsexual) hormones released by the body—similar to that which is released when you are under undue stress? Plus all that muscle tension and skeletal stiffness must really throw the body for a loop.Again, I’m no expert and I’m not going to wikipedia it. Will someone with real training and expertise please explain to all of us lay-people?This is a very good question, by the way 🙂
Why do some people get nauseous or vomit when they see the inside?
Q: of a human body? Is there a real logical reason for this?What is the psycological reason?
A: in the case you are describing, it is an involuntary response.
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