Why do people get kidney stones

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people get kidney stones”,you can compare them.

Kidney stones are small, solid masses that form when salts, minerals normally found in urine become solid crystals inside-kidney. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-get-kidney-stones ]
More Answers to “Why do people get kidney stones
Many people ask themselves why do I get kidney stones? If other people in your family such as your parents have had kidney stones, you may have a higher risk of getting them. Heredity can play a big part, your location could be another cau…
Kidney stones are very common and even without the genetic or familial background people tend to get them. Of course, the more family predisposition you have, the higher are your chances of developing them, which is probably why you did. Al…
indicating a genetic predisposition to the condition. There is also a link to chronic dehydration and certain types of eating disorders. Today, approximately one in fifteen people in the industrialized world will develop kidney stones. In s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why would several people who hang out in the same campus apartment get kidney stones?
Q: My son live in an on campus duplex and three kids who hang around there all of the time have come down with kidney stones. These are good kids who are studying to be in the ministry, so drinking and drug use aren’t an issue. One is a boy and two are girls.
A: hey theirs a natural remedy for kidiney stones go to earth clinic click on aliments then on kidiney stones
What are kidney stones and why do people make such a big deal about them? ?
Q: I’ve never had a kidney stone or know what they are for that matter. So can some please tell me what they are and why they are such a big deal.
A: My step dad used to get them and I would hear him screaming in the bathroom. It’s a HORRIBLE thing to have, because, well, imagine having to pee our a sharp, jagged rock that was a bit too big to go from your kidney to your bladder through your urethra and out into the toilet. It cuts, scrapes, and gouges its way through your pee hole. Afterward, people pee blood. That’s why its so horrible.
Why some people get kidney stones?
Q: I just wondering why some people can drink soda all they want and not get a single kidney stone and their others who can hardly drink any and get them all the time?
A: Some people appear to just be more prone to building up the small crystals which eventually form the stones.
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