Why do I have red bumps on my arms and legs

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Keratosis pilaris is a non serious skin condition that causes rough patches and small, acne-like bumps, on the arms and thighs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-have-red-bumps-on-my-arms-and-legs ]
More Answers to “Why do I have red bumps on my arms and legs
How do i clear away little red bumps from behind my arms and legs…?
Twice daily, apply a strong skin care product, such as Aquaphor or Vaseline. I used to small, raised red bumps on the backs of my arms, and used, just as I said, Vaseline twice a day, and within approximately a month, they had cleared up co…
How do I get rid of tiny little red bumps all over my arms and le…?
I had the same issue, except my bumps were brown (cause I’m black, duh). Anyway, exfoliate before shaving your arms and legs. Those bumps are tiny hair bumps. Go to a bath and body store and have a sales person help you find one that might …
What are these tiny, red, raised bumps on my legs and arms??
do your red bumps come and go? do you sometimes have perfect skin and then they appear out of nowwhere? b/c mine do : ( if they are like rough to the touch and dont come and go you might have keratosis pilaris. theres lots of different tr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do i have red bumps on my legs and arms for no reason?
Q: These red bumps poped out of no where about a week ago. They itch and look almost like mosqito bites but their not.. they are red and itchy, im kind of getting scared. I tried drinking some allergy thing and rubbing cream on it but it hasnt even been 24 hours since i put on the cream and took the benedryl. Anyone have suggestions?
A: Are they really tiny little bumps? It might be Keratosis Pilaris -don’t worry if it is, it’s not as scary as it sounds 🙂 Here’s some info on it – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keratosis_pilarisBut if you don’t think it’s that, you should definitely talk to your doctor just to make sure. Hope this helps!
tiny red itchy bumps on legs/arms, red welts on face/chest?
Q: The welts on my face and chest look sort of like chicken pox; very itchy, raised up. The bumps on my arms and legs are tiny and barely itch.I went to the clinic at school and the doc said it may be an allergic reaction, but its slowly spreading even with cortisone put all over my body.Any thoughts?I’ve had the chicken pox twice, so I know what that feels like. And the ones on my arms/face are too tiny to be chicken pox
A: You can search yoru symptoms on http://www.medgle.com/. It will come up with a Diagnosis.
how do i clear away little red bumps from behind my arms and legs?
Q: i have little red bumps behind my legs nd arms nd i was wondering how can i clear them away?
A: Twice daily, apply a strong skin care product, such as Aquaphor or Vaseline. I used to small, raised red bumps on the backs of my arms, and used, just as I said, Vaseline twice a day, and within approximately a month, they had cleared up considerably.
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