Why do I get cotton mouth

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do I get cotton mouth”,you can compare them.

Some of the causes of cotton mouth are alcohol abuse and alcoholism, dehydration, diabetes, hypothyroidism, sarcoidosis, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-get-cotton-mouth ]
More Answers to “Why do I get cotton mouth
Why do you get cotton mouth after smoking marijuana??
it is your body’s reaction to the tetra hydro cannibinol or t.h.c. (the stuff that gets you high). it causes the body to attempt to retain its moisture and your mucous membranes dry out,
Do Sheep Get Cotton Mouth?
Turns out some medieval gentleman in Europe didn’t really get it either. Sure, they knew cotton came from a plant, but they thought it was so similar to wool that they imagined it came from a plant that actually grew sheep. Seriously, this …
How to get rid of cotton mouth?
Try swishing with fabric softener. Even if you still have cotton mouth, it will be nice & soft and fresher smelling. With less static cling!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does Chinese food give you cotton-mouth?
Q: How come everytime I have Chinese food for lunch, I always get cotton-mouth afterwards??
A: It could be your reaction to the mono-sodium glutamate that they use as a flavor enhancer. It gives some people headaches
Why do certain psych medication cause dry cotton mouth?
Q: I take two psych meds each day. Effexor XR (high dose) for depression and anxiety and Provigil (which is not a psych med in actuality, but is being prescribed off-label) successfully for ADD symptoms. I feel like I need to have a water bottle strapped shot-gun style to me 24/7. They say people need 64 oz of water a day—forget it. All day every day I am like a desert. It even affects the way I talk when it gets back and my tongue sticks to my mouth. Any medical professionals out there know what mechanism causes such cotton-mouth? I don’t really need advice–but am looking for the origin of the issue. Thanks.
A: Dryness of the mouth, or xerostomia, results from diminished secretions of saliva. More than two 250 medications claim xerostomia as a side effect. Drugs that produce xerostomia as a side effect include anticholinergics, antidepressants, anti-Parkinson’s drugs, antihistamines/decongestants, urinary antispastics, antipsychotics, diuretics, hypnotics, systemic bronchodilators, muscle relaxants, reserpine, methyldopa, laxatives, beta-blockers, narcotics, guanabenz, and clonidine.Try sucking lemon flavored candy, eat more frequently (eating produces more saliva) and chew gum, but if it really is bothering you, contact your prescribing physician about it, since it can also cause tooth decay.
Why does my dog have such bad cotton mouth?
Q: And no she is not on drugs lol Her water bowl is always full and she has access to it all day Its pretty annoying so I need help quick lol thnk in advance!she drinks about a bowl a day so its not evaporating or anything.
A: Is she drinking the water? Just because it is out doesn’t mean that she’s taking advantage of it. Is she peeing a lot? I would call the vet if her peeing habits have changed in any way.
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