Why do I feel depressed

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do I feel depressed”,you can compare them.

Clinical depression can be a caused by biological, psychological and social factors like genetics, stress, trauma, alcohol, drugs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-feel-depressed ]
More Answers to “Why do I feel depressed
It’s quite common to feel a little gloomy as you get older, some people even get scared, and sometimes it can even happen when you feel your looking on the positive side. What you need to remember is that everybody has a birthday, and your …
Is there someone whose attention you want but are not getting or you have not made your interest known to? (not necessarily at work) Sometimes.. it does not matter who hits on us if there is someone else we are interested in.. others do no…
Depression or anxiety may occur as a result of your constant pain and fatigue, or the frustration you feel with the condition. It is also possible that the same chemical imbalances in the brain that cause mood changes also contribute to fib…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do I feel depressed without much to feel depressed about?
Q: I’ve been depressed before but I haven’t got much to be depressed about right now. It’s unfair to still feel like crap when there is no justifiable reason why!
A: I think it might be a chemical imbalance and upon looking around I found this website that had a little article on it. I would start there and then look around some more for similar articles.Do not expect people that haven’t dealt with depression to have any genuine understanding of it,although some might. It’s very difficult to understand if they haven’t dealt with it.There is no cheer up or get over it or why are you that way easy fixes. But with support and good friends that are compassionate it can be a big help.Also some people will get so depressed they can push away those that are truly helpful. This is when the really good friends need to get a little pushy to help.
Is it typical for a depressed person to feel down and not know why?
Q: I feel a little depressed, and don’t know exactly why. I was diagnosed with depression about a year ago. I am on medication for it, and I see a counselor every two weeks. Is it typical to feel depressed or down and not know why?
A: With what is termed “chronic” depression it’s quite typical not to even have a specific emotional cause behind the depression. Instead, there is most likely a biochemical or “brain wiring” problem at the root. This is why you are on medication, and it’s likely that emotional counseling isn’t going to do a lot for you (by your description, unless you’re leaving something out). Since your medication isn’t completely effective it’s quite possible that it isn’t the right one for you. There are many, and each has a slightly different effect. Most of them are known as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), but it may be even that additional brain serotonin (what the effect of using SSRIs is) isn’t the right solution for you, or isn’t the whole solution for you. You need to see a psychiatrist to find a medication which works properly for YOU. A medical doctor (without the psychiatry degree) may or may not have much experience with the true effects of different medications.
Why do I feel less depressed with false energy?
Q: I feel depressed all the time but if I take something with energy (diet pills, espresso, etc).. then I emotionally feel a little better? Why do I feel less depressed with false energy?
A: Because there is caffeine in them, and caffeine is a DRUG!It’s just legal.
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