Why do females get period cramps

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do females get period cramps”,you can compare them.

Cramps are caused by the uterine wall shedding. The pain comes from the tissues being ripped off the inside of the organ. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-females-get-period-cramps ]
More Answers to “Why do females get period cramps
Why do females get cramps while on their period?
Because the uterine wall is shedding. Literally the pain comes from the tissues being ripped off the inside of the organ. When you realize this, it makes alot more sense. The time in between periods is when the uterus builds its tissues bac…
Why do only some females get cramps when they are on their period…?
Some women are more sensitive to uterine contractions (the opening of the cervix to release menstrual tissue). Some women only experience cramps in their lower abdomen while others feel it in their backs too.
Can female dogs get cramps from their period or get any health is…?
B*tches don’t get “periods”, first of all. They have heat cycles. Every time a b*tch goes into heat, her chances of developing certain cancers increases. A b*tch should ideally be spayed before her first heat cycle, unless she is …

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A: I think the better question is – how does an orgasm NOT help.. anything you throw at it? Honestly, have as many as possible !
Why do women experience cramps during their period?
Q: Yesterday I was fine, and all of a sudden as I am under the hair dryer at the salon, I got really bad cramps, and I just had to leave.Why do we as females experience cramps during our period?
A: because the muscles are contracting.
why do females get cramps while on their period???
Q: Every month I get very painful cramps…
A: Because the uterine wall is shedding. Literally the pain comes from the tissues being ripped off the inside of the organ. When you realize this, it makes alot more sense. The time in between periods is when the uterus builds its tissues back up in order to prepare to receive a fertilized egg. Its like the walls are preparing for a guest a.k.a. a baby. But when they see that there’s no baby, the uterus decides to start all over again, shedding it’s walls which causes you to bleed, and it then rebuilds once again.
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