Why do feet sweat

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Feet sweat as a mechanism to remove heat and cool the body, just as in other body parts. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-feet-sweat ]
More Answers to “Why do feet sweat
My Teva Sandals make my feet sweat very heavy. Why is that??
I asked a question like this a while back, the solution that worked for me was using an antiprespirant. I use Sure in can and I have less sweat when wearing strap on sandals. Oh oops you asked why, I don’t know but that is the solution for …
Why do my feet sweat?
Feet excrete as much as 8 ounces of moisture a day. This is due to the fact there are 250,000 sweat glands in both feet.
How much do your feet sweat?
1 gallon a day if your fat but 2 gallons a day if your under 80 pounds

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do your hands and feet sweat when you see someone hanging from a cliff?
Q: I honestly don’t get this, why do your hands and feet sweat when you see someone at a high point about to fall?
A: nervousness/worriness causes sweatiness.
Why do some sneakers make my feet sweat more then others, when I wear them without socks?
Q: I always wear my sneakers without socks, because i hate wearing socks, and wondering why do some sneakers make my feet sweat more then others? The pair I wore the other day didn’t make my feet sweat that much,(It took most of the day for my feet to sweat) and the pair I had on today made my feet sweat within 15 minutes, and at times my feet are soaking wet when I take my sneakers off. Why do my feet sweat quicker in some sneakers and don’t sweat quicker in other sneakers?
A: The shoe itself does not have proper ventilation. Also, different activities make you perspire differently.
Why would a 1 year old babies feet sweat from doing nothing?
Q: I have a little girl who just turned 1. All she does is walk around but her feet sweat more than they should for a baby just walking around. Im afraid something is wrong. Can anyone help me before i take her to the doctor.
A: My sister has always had really sweaty feet and hands, even when she isn’t running around. It’s kinda gross because hair and stuff gets stuck to her feet, but other than that she’s fine. If you’re still feeling like something might be wrong you should go ahead and take her to the doctor just to be safe.Hope I helped :]
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