Why do broken bones hurt

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do broken bones hurt”,you can compare them.

Nerve endings are present in the muscle tissue around and on the bone morrow itself, provoking pain when broken. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-broken-bones-hurt ]
More Answers to “Why do broken bones hurt
Why do broken bones hurt?
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Why does a broken bone hurt?
there are several factors that cause pain when you break a bone. they are The nerve endings that surround bones contain pain fibers and and these fibers become irritated when the bone is broken. Broken bones can bleed, and the blood and ass…
Do all broken bones hurt and swell?
No. You may not be aware of some broken bones

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Q: Me elbow, and wrists hurt when it is cold in the winter, what causes this?
A: Arthritis..know just how you feel.
Why do old broken bones and old spranes hurt when the weather changes?
A: The theory is that inflamed joints swell as the barometric pressure drops. This swelling irritates the nerves around the joints that sense pain and causes more stiffness.
Why does a broken bone hurt when it’s cold or before it rains?
A: its called a barometer when it gets cold or it rains the pressure changes and you can feel it, people who get shot and older people usually get this its just the change in pressure sometimes u can feel it otherwise but when the bone is more sensitive you feel it better.
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