Why do boys lie

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Boys lie to protect themselves, look good, gain financially or socially and avoid punishment. Wouldn’t you agree? ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-boys-lie ]
More Answers to “Why do boys lie
Its not like that only boys lie about their experience with girls……sometimes it’ll be a girl who also lie about her experience with a boy. So far I think, tellig a lie has differents points. Sometimes it is to hide something, sometimes …
T.H. White said; “perhaps we all give the best of our hearts uncritically…to those who hardly think about us in return.” I died a little when you said you never meant those words; “I love you” should not be said by those…
I know this sounds simplistic, but you can’t guarantee that someone is not going to lie to you ever again. Chances are that if the lied and you let it go, then they feel they can lie again with no problem. The easiest (sometimes best) thing…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why did boys lie about their age to fight in the war?
Q: why would boys lie about their age to fight in the war. Why would they doit around 1914? why do they do it now?
A: People’s patriotism was so strong they felt they couldn’t wait until they were of age to enlist. They were afraid the war would end before they were old enough to get into it. So they lied. The sentiment still exists today, though much more rare. Lying about your age doesn’t really work anymore since there are so many ways to verify such things now.
Why would boys lie about their age just to fight in the war?
Q: i dont get it? i heard that boys used to lie and pretend they were 18 just to fight in the war? pfft.. p a t h e t i c . why wouldnt they just wait ?
A: THis mainly happened in WWI and WWII. A great depression was on, at least they could send money home(Audie Murphy was famous for that) What would you prefer? Welfare?They also had a strong sense of patriotism. Something you seem to lack by belittling men you know nothing about. PFFFFT PATHETIC.
Why boys lie when they talk with girls ?
Q: i mean why guys lie when they are talking to girl.. we can easily understand that they are lying but they just keep going on there own .
A: Honey, this will never change. My hubby is almost 50 and he lies through his teeth all day long. It’s engraned in his DNA. He does it to:1. protect himself2. make himself look good3. make others look bad4. because he thinks the person/people he is talking to are stupid5. because he gets away with it again and again6. because he’s never been betrayed with liesSo there you have it. Guys lie. Girls do too but they aren’t pathological about it most of the time.
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