Why are my eyes always red

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “Why are my eyes always red”,you can compare them.

Some reasons your eyes can be red are: conjunctivitis, hangover, rubbing your eyes, fever, cold, allergies and pink eye. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-my-eyes-always-red ]
More Answers to “Why are my eyes always red
You have not specified whether you have scales of dandruff in your eye lids.If that is the case,your eyes may be always red.In that case eye lid hygiene is very important.clean your eye lids with hot water and rmove the scals(when ht compre…
I had a similar problem before and after laser surgery to correct myopia (near sighted). I also thought at first that it was alergies to contacts, but laser surgery did not cure it. Just last year I went to a great optometrist who did a tho…
You most likely have depleted tear film from dry eyes and excessive eye drop use. You have to be very careful with eye baths, eye washes, and eye drops, because they are so thick they will actually wash away your tear film and just temporar…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do I have red eyes always?
Q: It’s been like this for a few years, and there’s like a stinging pain too. I’m not sure if it’s in one eye or both but right now it is. It mostly hurts in the morning but my eyes are always red. Could it be Glaucoma? Or just dry eyes? It’s a stinging pain remember.I’m planning on seeing an eye doctor but I want an idea of what to tell them.
A: Sounds like you are suffering from allergies. Try taking an over-the-counter allergy medication and see if that helps, and if it does, maybe you can work on finding out what it is that you might be allergic to. Since you are affected mostly in the morning, try taking the medication before bed, it may be something in your room such as dust, mold, pet dander, carpet fibers, etc. that causes this problem.
Why are the corners of my eyes always red?
Q: When I wake up my eyes always hurt, and the inside corners of my eyes are really red. I get plenty of sleep, about 8 hours a night. I also have really dark spots under my eyes and I always feel tired no matter how much sleep I get. I take vitamins and am relatively healthy. Does anyone know what is wrong?
A: do you wear contacts, i do and my eyes are extremely dry the next morning and sometimes even red in the corners. i would recommend seeing an optometrist, even if you don’t wear contacts.
Why do eyes always come out red in pictures?
Q: I have dark brown eyes and I dont know why everytime they take a picture usually people come out with red eyes but not that much, mine instead are always completely red. you cant even see a little bit the color of my eyes, it’s just red. And other people usually come out with red eyes but you can still see the color of their eyes.Is it because I have dark eyes or what?
A: AMATEUR photographers have eyes come out red in photos. A good photographer will have lighting that is NOT mounted on or anywhere near the lens of the camera. This way the light will not reflect off the back of the eye. Get in some good, natural light and turn that awful camera flash OFF and you will not have red eye.steve
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