Why am I throwing up

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why am I throwing up”,you can compare them.

There are many reasons why one could be vomiting. You could have an infection, or possibly food poisoning. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-am-i-throwing-up ]
More Answers to “Why am I throwing up
Why am i throwing up?
Vomiting that relieves the pain or nausea (particularly in the morning) can indicate a problem with excess stomach acid. Of course you need to rule out poss. pregnancy first. To find out if you might have an acid problem, don’t eat anythi…
Why is my dog throwing up?
There could be several reasons why your dog is throwing up. If you’ve recently changed the kind of dog food you use that could be the reason. The dog could have also eaten some food that is toxic to dogs such as grapes, chocolate, raisins, …
How to make yourself throw up?
ok him calling you fat was downright dumb. and if dated that skinny girl, then that has nothing to do with you or the way you look. if he dated her because of her skinny features, that is just pointing out that guys also feel the pressure o…

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Q: …Well, not really throwing up, but just feeling like it…And also is it normal for a person’s heart rate to go up because of lack of sleep? I’ve been sleeping very little this week because of exams and stuff and now my heartbeat feels a little weird. Has anyone ever experienced something like this?
A: This could all be a central nervous system response to the stress hormone cortisol. It’s pretty normal. I would wait until exams are over and if it’s still a problem then see your dr. Until then I suggest taking better care of yourself, more sleep, regular meals and if you’re up to it maybe some mild exercise. If this gets worse then see a dr immediately.
Why am I throwing up a yellowish liquid?
Q: In the mornings if I start coughing sometimes I will throw up a clear sometimes yellowish liquid. It is not like a regular throwing up its kinda like a gagging feeling. This has gone on for about 2 weeks now and it is only in the morning time. Usually I will feel better by the afternoon but sometimes I don’t. Does anyone have any idea what is going on?
A: The liquid you are throwing up is bile. It makes sense because it’s in the morning so you probably don’t have anything in your stomach to throw up besides bile. I would go to the doctor, you shouldn’t have to gag every morning. Could you possibly be pregnant?
why am i throwing up everyday for the past year?
Q: Ive been throwing up off and on everyday for the past year and i cant afford to go to the doctor right now and ive been trying to look up information on the web and theres nothing. Its like i wont feel sick at all, ill just be sittin around and then all of a sudden i throw up, some time it has blood in it, sometimes its just byle so i dunno, maybe someone can help me find that out on here.
A: There are many possible answers for this. Perhaps you are always worrying or are constantly stressed? Some people vomit (sometimes blood) everyday because they are stressed. Stress causes you to digest your stomach lining. which in turn leads to vomiting. You won’t be able to know for sure what it is that is making you throw up unless you see a doctor; you definitley won’t find out by searching through the internet.Good luck 🙂
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