Why am i 2 weeks late starting my period

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You could be pregnant. You should get a pregnancy test or see your doctor as soon as possible to find out. Good luck! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-am-i-2-weeks-late-starting-my-period ]
More Answers to “Why am i 2 weeks late starting my period
Why could I be 2 weeks late starting my period?
If you have just started your cycles, then it could just be your body adjusting to the hormone changes. Have you been under a lot of stress lately? Sometimes those will cause the periods not to be on time because of the release of stress…
Why am I two weeks late starting my period? I am not pregnant!?
have you ever had sex if no then cheak with your doctor then. i did not have my period for 7 months before and never had sex i think that everyone is diffrent people miss months as they grow i am also 17

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I Am 2 Weeks Late Starting My Period, and Take Depo, Am I Pregnant?
Q: I first started taking depo a couple months ago. My first shot was at the end of June, and my next shot is September 5th. Ive been fine until now. But i noticed that I am 2 weeks late starting my period. And still haven’t started yet. Am I pregnant?
A: Depo can make your period stop completely, though you should make sure you’re not pregnant, because it can be dangerous for the fetus to be on depo.
Why could I be 2 weeks late starting my period?
Q: I know for a fact that I am not pregnant! I should have had my period 2 weeks ago, and I still haven’t started it. What could have caused this? I’m 17 if that makes any difference. And I am always on time so this is really weird. Is it anything to be worried about?It’s not a “hunch” that I’m not pregnant. I havent had sex, therefore it is impossible!
A: If you have just started your cycles, then it could just be your body adjusting to the hormone changes. Have you been under a lot of stress lately? Sometimes those will cause the periods not to be on time because of the release of stress hormones which can prevent you from being able to have them. I know that you probably have the hunch that you’re not pregnant, but you should still take a pregnancy test, just to be sure.
Why am I 2 weeks late after having been on the pill?
Q: I am 2 weeks late starting my period. I missed a couple of pills at the beginning, middle and end of the month. However, I have taken 2 home pregnancy tests and one was positive and one was negative. I went to the doctor and got a blood test that was negative. I still have not started though and I feel awful. The doctor wants to give me another blood test…but why? I thought those were 100% accurate. Has this happened to anyone and what could be the reasons for why I still have not started?
A: A few things about the time-line, when after you skipped your pills were you sexually active? If you had sex within a week after you missed a pill, there is a chance you were unprotected. If you had sex within more than a 1 week window after you skipped, you should be fine. Also, did the blood pregnancy test happen before or after your positive home test? NO test is 100%! It is very VERY rare for a pregnancy test to have a false positive. Did you tell your doctor that you had a positive home test? There is a chance that your cycle might just be screwed up because of missed pills, but, if you had a positive home test, I would definitely take the doctor’s advice and take a second blood test. Or, you could go to your local Planned Parenthood and have them test you. They will be able to give you some great advice for being on the pill for the future. Also, if you do end up being pregnant (which I know that you probably don’t even want to think about right now), they have some great resources for adoption and other options. For future reference, the rule of thumb with birth control pills is that if you miss more than three in one month, stop the pack, wait for your period to start, and then start again one week later. Best of luck!
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