Who does it hurt when we break bones

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More Answers to “Who does it hurt when we break bones
Why does it hurt when we break a bone?
There are nerves and blood vessels that run through the bone. When you break a bone, these nerves and vessels get severed causing pain from the severed nerves as well as pressure from bleeding. If the break is bad enough where the fragments…
How bad does it hurt to break a bone?
School..can’t be that bad. I know it sucks when you that age…but then again breaking a bone sucks too. Chances are, you won’t break it. but in case you do here are some things youll be looking forward to: a cast, that will make things mor…
Whose tombstone reads, “Sticks and stones may break my bones…?
Are you looking for someone in particular, because I have seen it several times.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why does it hurt when we break a bone?
Q: if pain is caused by nerve endings and bones don’t have nerves then why does it hurt when we break a bone?
A: There are nerves and blood vessels that run through the bone. When you break a bone, these nerves and vessels get severed causing pain from the severed nerves as well as pressure from bleeding. If the break is bad enough where the fragments are displaced, even slightly, they could cut or put pressure on other nerves and vessels in the soft tissues around the bone.
How badly does it hurt to break something?
Q: How do you break something? I’ve always kinda wondered whats some easy ways to break like an ankle, leg, arm, wrist. Id like to avoid them. hahaand how badly does it hurt when the bone breaks?
A: I’ve had breaks that hurt like hell, but the worst one (both heels skiing) was just numb until a couple hours later… So it all depends.
why does it hurt when you break a bone?
Q: if it doesn’t have any type of nerves or anything like that why does it hurt?
A: Well there’s definitely something in there that lets the brain know that something is wrong.
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