Where is the pain for peptic ulcers

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Where is the pain for peptic ulcers”,you can compare them.

Pain from a peptic ulcer can be felt at any point between the navel and the breastbone. It can hurt for a few minutes to hours. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-is-the-pain-for-peptic-ulcers ]
More Answers to “Where is the pain for peptic ulcers
What are the physiological reasons for peptic ulcer pain?
the ulcer destroys a part of the lining of the stomach. the area that looses the protective lining is very sensitive to the acid environment and you feel a burning sensation

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the physiological reasons for peptic ulcer pain?
Q: I understand the causes of peptic ulcers, but what I want to know is how the ulcers themselves cause pain.
A: the ulcer destroys a part of the lining of the stomach. the area that looses the protective lining is very sensitive to the acid environment and you feel a burning sensation
How can I ease the pain of a peptic ulcer?
A: My dr. prescribed Zantec for my acid reflux. It’s also supposed to help heal ulcers. I think you can get it over the counter.I’d suggest calling your dr, or a pharmacy, and asking about this product. You can also look it up online. I know it’s really made a difference for me.
I have a peptic stomach ulcer how long will the pain last?
Q: I have a peptic stomach ulcer, I have the tablets and antibiotics but the pain I have never known pain like it, I cant eat properly it keeps me awake at night bad stomach bloating yesterday I was in and out of the toilet, what symptoms are normal and when should it be over?
A: Try Omeprazole. I call them wonder tablets because the pain went away almost after two days. I had a course for 4 weeks and no symptoms have returned, so I am very happy and it is a great relief, especially being able to sleep and also to eat without worrying about that acidic feeling.
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