Where is the origin of AIDS

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The first recognized cases of AIDS occurred in the USA in the early 1980s.There are many theories of it’s origin mostly at Africa. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-is-the-origin-of-aids ]
More Answers to “Where is the origin of AIDS
What Is The Origin Of Aids?
I think it was man-made. There are tons of theories out there though.
How did AIDS originate?
NEWTON is an electronic community for Science, Math, and Computer Science K-12 Educators.
What Is The Origin of HIV/AIDS?
Several factors contribute to the spread of the HIV virus. For one, a stigma is attached to admitting to HIV infection and to using condoms. For another, many deny that the HIV virus causes AIDS: Thabo Mbeki and Robert Mugabe have both sugg…

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A: here u go
Why have the standard explanations for the origin of AIDS changed?
Q: In the early 1990’s it was generally taught in North AMerican schools that AIDS originated due to African children having intercourse with the African green monkey and the SIV virus evolving into HIV and being contracted by humans. Since then, other possible theories have emerged (The cut hunter/ Lack of needles and sharing with test animals etc.). However, now it seems many people are totally discounting the original theory of human/animal sex. Why is this? Has it actually been scientificallydisproven or have the “educated people” decided that it was “racist” or not politically correct to say that African children’s beastiality was the cause of AIDS? If it has been disproven (I can’t see how) could you explain how? If not, do you agree that attempts to be “PC” or absolve anyone of blame for the creation of the virus mayhave actually caused the general publicto become more ignorant?
A: All theories change as the years go by and scientist dig out more facts that disprove the old theories. I don’t think it’s necessarily a PC thing but it’s just how the world evolves. Think about the theory that the earth is flat and how it changed over time.
Where did the AIDS virus get its start?
Q: I’ve heard it was originally a disease found in monkeys, and was transferred to humans via “sickening behavior”, if you get my drift.Is this true?If not, then what was the origin of AIDS?
A: What you have heard is a misinterpretation of a theory about AIDS starting from the polio vaccinations administered to Africans including children who’s immune systems had not yet developed. (over 1 million people from 1957-1960 The vaccine was grown (cultured) in monkey kidneys. Since the current most publicized method of transmission is through sexual contact, the less intelligent masses made up the fairy tale you are questioning .There are probably more theories as to origin which include the cut hunter theory which would be an evolution of nature where a cut hunter got the virus from an infected monkey.You can read more on this in many places.http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/dissent/documents/AIDS/http://www.avert.org/origins.htmhttp://www.originofaids.com/Most of the theories point to AIDS being a man made disease .. accident or by design? Sort of brings up a lot of ethical questions.
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