When you have sharp pains on your back what is that a sign of

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Sharp back pain can be a sign of many things. Best bet is to go see a Chiropractor asap, they’ll know what to do next.Love, ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-have-sharp-pains-on-your-back-what-is-that-a-sign-of ]
More Answers to “When you have sharp pains on your back what is that a sign of
Is sharp pains in your stomach a sign of pregnancy??
well im sorry for the misunderstanding some one was asking questions under my user name but n e way im 8 months pregnant and i had sharp pains in my stomach and i have one of the healthiest pregnancy my doc has ever seen so sorry to tell yo…
Are sharp abdominal pains a sign of pregnancy?
Not that I have ever heard of. But if you are still unsure if you are pregnant, take a home test. It could just have been a bad case of gas. People have thought they were having heart attacks it was so severe. Or you may want to go see a do…
Is frequent urination and sharp stomach pains a sign of pregnancy…?
No It’s a sign of pms. You don’t get sharp pains in the stomach during pregnancy.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Sharp Pains Sign Of Labor Nearing Or No?
Q: I’m almost 36 weeks pregnant. Tuesday my doctor informed me i was 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. I think my baby girl may have dropped since then seeing as how its been kind of uncomfortable for me to walk. Today while walking i started to get sharp pains like down in my vaginal area. I was wondering could this be a sign of labor nearing or if not, what could be the reason for this?
A: If she just dropped she is putting major pressure on everything down there. I used to get the same pains, like her head was about to pop out of my cervix. Sadly I wasn’t in labor…I hated when people would say this to me but..I gotta say it cause it’s true…You will know when you’re in labor! You will be contracting and it will be very painful in some way. Good luck!
Are sharp pains in your lower abdomen a sign in the first few weeks of pregnancy?
Q: i had the pains a couple days ago (a week and a half after bd/ovulation) and they only lasted like maybe 30 seconds. af is due to arrive the 18th or 19th.i took a ptest this morning and it was negative. it could have been too soon.i haven’t had these before. they arent cramps i know what cramps feel like and they were too early to be my period.
A: i believe that is normal. The doctors say when ur baby is first concieved it pugs itself into ur bladder to yes, it normal in some cases
Is Vagina sharp shooting pains a sign of your Cervix dilatingg?
Q: Thank u in advance !31 weeks right now31 weeks right now
A: Yes it could be. The baby’s head is descending and the muscles will let you know by stretching.. Best to go to the doctor have a check up.. Good luck.
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