When you donate blood, do they test for marijuana

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When giving blood, they test your iron count and ask you questions, which using illegal drugs may be one of the questions. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-donate-blood%2C-do-they-test-for-marijuana ]
More Answers to “When you donate blood, do they test for marijuana
Can marijuana smokers donate blood?
No, they can’t. When you go to donate blood you have to answer a questionnaire, one of the questions is about drug use, and if you answer yes, they won’t take your blood.
Am I able to donate blood after smoking marijuana?
It does depend on the individual Blood Drive Center but most of the time its 48-72hr wait. By the way its confidential. they won’t call the cops on you. i tell them over the phone it will be a few days and they know, especially since they k…
Can I still donate blood if I smoke marijuana?
any drugs, you can’t even donate if you’ve had antibiotics, if you did, it would be a waste of time because they couldn’t use it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do they test for marijuana when you donate blood?
Q: I want to donate blood but I’m afraid there might be traces of marijuana in it. Do not sit here and say do not smoke because that is really annoying. But do they test for it when you donate it? They have a blood drive at my high school right now and I don’t know if they do……and if they do would they try to get ahold of you? Or would just not use the blood? Even though marijuana woulden’t do anything…
A: Drug testing is not a part of screening blood donors..BUT there will be an initial interview by physicians or lab. technologist that will determine also if you are qualified.So,your physical attributes may show sign of drug abuse like vital signs (blood pressure & pulse rate ). If you really want to help other people who needs blood and may even save lives, just try not to smoke for a day then donate.BUT i do pray you will stop that thing. God bless
Will marijuana show up on an ordinary blood test?
Q: Three of my friend’s are getting various blood testing done within the next week. One for mono, another for cholesterol and the third is donating blood. Will the doctors immediately know that they’ve smoked pot in the recent past, or does it not matter?
A: no they wont know because the test their running are specific. they don’t just test for mary jane unless their looking for it. Donating blood they do not test for marijuana
Am I able to donate blood after smoking marijuana?
Q: It has been about 5 days since I last smoked and one of my friends said they drug test you there and it stays in your system for 3 weeks so I would be able to. I just wanted another opinion so that I could “give the gift of life.” lol
A: It does depend on the individual Blood Drive Center but most of the time its 48-72hr wait. By the way its confidential. they won’t call the cops on you. i tell them over the phone it will be a few days and they know, especially since they know me by first name basis. but if you use other drugs they will tell you pretty much a flat no and deny you for good or for a month or so. Why is marijuana illegal in the first place if you can give blood in a matter of days?
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