When was the first case of swine flu

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The first case of swine flu was seen in Mexico on April 13. As many as 68 deaths may be attributed to the virus in Mexico. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-was-the-first-case-of-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “When was the first case of swine flu
Where were the first cases of the swine flu Novel H1N1 in Mexico …?
The illness first was discovered in La Gloria, a small town in southern Mexico in March 2009. La Gloria has about 3,000 people, and it is now believed the first human cases of the Novel H1N1 Influenza probably started there. However, althou…
When was the first case of Swine Flu contracted?
Swine flu has been around for hundreds of years, probably for as long as humans have been keeping pigs, there is no way to know when the first case was contracted
Does really a student of harding academy nashville is reported to…?
“The student is the first in the Nashville area to contract the disease.” The Tennessee Department of Health lab has identified the first probable case of the novel H1N1 virus, also known as “swine flu,” in the state — a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When was the first case of Swine Flu contracted?
A: Swine flu has been around for hundreds of years, probably for as long as humans have been keeping pigs, there is no way to know when the first case was contracted
The first swine flu case was confirmed in my city this morning- should I keep my daughter home from school?
Q: I know some cities in the states have closed schools. We have a reported case- just one so far- in my city but they are not closing schools because he is a 40 some year old man that traveled to CA (not mexico). Should I send my daughter to school today? I just don’t want to have any regrets. Ugh.
A: yesevery time someone in your city gets sick you should stay home and lock your doors… after all 36000 die from the regular flu every year…Not trying to be so rude, but so far people in north america have been having very mild symptoms, the media is freaking everyone out over this. Teach your children proper hand washing, keep your eye on them BUT live your life as normal… More people are going to die from the stress of this thing then the actual flu
First case of swine flu in Arizona should I be worried?
Q: Should I be concerned I live in Arizona and fear there will be far more confirmations of swine flu here. I have two young children one in school, one not even two yet and a husband who is a teacher. What precautions should we take at this point? Should I be worried cuz I feel scared but co workers think it is no big deal what do you think? I fear it is turning into a pandemic listening to the news talk about it and all.
A: You can never be to cautious. I did hear that “Tamflu” kills the virus though. I also heard today that a whole school in New York is contaminated because some of their students went to Mexico on their spring break and brought it back with them. I think theres going to be alot more outbreaks but hopefully they have discovered something that will kill the virus.
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