When im i going to start my period

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When im i going to start my period”,you can compare them.

Girls start menstruating at the average age of 12. Girls can begin menstruating as early as 8 years of age or as late as 16. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-im-i-going-to-start-my-period ]
More Answers to “When im i going to start my period
Am i pregnant or im i just going to start my period??
You are probably about to start your period. It is very common to feel fatigued and have that discharge, and a whole list of other things too when you are about to start your period. I am assuming he rubbed himself on you and there was so…
When Will I No Im Going To Start My Period?
Before your periods are going to start you will get a pain may be at your lower back or lower abdomen. You also may feel bit tired before periods going to start.
How do i know when im going to start my period monthly?
Most women have a 28 day cycle, meaning every 28 days you will receive your period. Some women do however have a 30 day cycle, but its not very many. Since you said yours does not come the same day, then more than likely you have a 28 day c…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When do i know im going to start my period?
Q: When do i know im going to start my period?? well i want it and i dont at the same time lol. well i want to know some signs?!?! well my friend said that it kind of huirts when u go to the bathroom. but do u guys know any signs????
A: It depends on your body. Everyone has different ‘signs’ that they may be getting their period soon and some women get none. Abdominal pain is what some women get. Others get moody (for some strange reason I always get really angry the night before – I’m usually a really calm and mellow person). Also you could get the sensation that something is coming out ‘down there’ but when you check, nothing has. Also slight discharge can be released which can be thickly white, yellow, brown or even black. You could also get other physical symptoms like hot flashes, inability to sleep, headaches, tensed muscles, cramps, sore stomach, tiredness etc. The best way to tell is either go on the contraceptive pill to regulate your flow so you know when you are going to get it so you don’t need to know these ‘signs’ or you could make on a calender each time you get it, so every month you have a general idea when it will be coming. Before you get your period this month, figure out what happens to your body, then remember it so you can recognise it as a sign you will be getting your period next month.=)
Hi I am due to start Marvelon when my period starts this week, but im going on holiday & dont want spotting?
Q: My doctor has prescribed me Marvelon to control my periods and also prevent spots. I am due to start it this week when my period starts (on the first day of my period) but I have heard a lot about people spotting and continuing to bleed for the whole month. I am going on holiday next week and do not want to be bleeding, so should I start Marvelon now or wait? Also I am worried about other side effects? Help?
A: If you are staring it on the first day of your period you shouldn’t have to worry too much. Any side effects of the pill are normally short lived so you should just start taking it
How do i know when im going to start my period monthly?
Q: im supposed to get it the 18th but last month it came like 4 days earlier so now idk when im gonna get it this month the 14th?
A: Most women have a 28 day cycle, meaning every 28 days you will receive your period. Some women do however have a 30 day cycle, but its not very many. Since you said yours does not come the same day, then more than likely you have a 28 day cycle. what you should do is the first day you get your period this month, mark it on the calendar and the last day of your period as well. then next month do the same thing, mark the first day of your period, and next month count the days in between your period and that will tell you what your body cycle is.
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