What will help bad circulation in the hands and feet

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Some lifestyle changes which can help include controlling diabetes, quit smoking, controlling blood pressure, and a diet . [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-help-bad-circulation-in-the-hands-and-feet ]
More Answers to “What will help bad circulation in the hands and feet
Do I have bad circulation in my hands and feet?
no, you are just cutting the circulation off. it can happen to anyone even i get that sometimes. that is why typing class teaches you to type straight up with your hands curved.
Can cold feet, hands, and nose be signs of bad circulation??
Could be circulation problem, could be a thyroid problem, could be Raynaud’s syndrome, or it could just be that you naturally have lower circulation (a circulation issue but not a “problem”) to those areas due to being thin and or…

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Do I have bad circulation in my hands and feet?
Q: I’m a teenager, and sometimes my hand or foot will “fall asleep.” Once, I was just typing on the computer, and my hand fell asleep. If I cross my left leg over my right leg, my left foot will fall asleep. Does this mean I have bad circulation? How can doctors tell? Is there a test to see if you have bad circulation?
A: no, you are just cutting the circulation off. it can happen to anyone even i get that sometimes. that is why typing class teaches you to type straight up with your hands curved.
I have bad circulation in my hands and feet. Can anyone help?
Q: I think I may have bad circulation because my hands are always so cold. Especially during the winter. It takes a long time to get them warmed up when they go cold…I am a keen pianist (grade 7) so this really is a problem.Any advice on either fixing or just relieving this problem?!?PS. I saw on a tomato juice carton that tomatoes have properties that are good for circulation. But I don’t really like tomatos raw… lol
A: Mine too. I find the best way to warm up my hands is to tuck them under my arms, or up long sleeves, a bit of a shock for the underarms at first but it works like a charm.All I can do for my feet is wear 2 pairs of socks (top one loose), best put on after a hot bath.Nothing, but nothing else, has made one iota of difference.Warm clothes, warm house if possible.Approach piano with hands up sleeves, then tickle them ivories.
bad blood circulation – cold purple hands / feet?
Q: I really don’t know what’s wrong with my blood circulation! 🙁 I’ve always had this problem. It’s my hands & feet. My feet are always white/purple as well as really cold, and my toes are purple, and sometimes I do get chilblains, where my toes swell up etc. My hands are worse. They tend to go cold a lot, either turn bright red and hot(and can see veins stick out more) or deep purple and cold. When they go purple I also notice patch’s of orange and white. This only happens when my hands are down by my side, and its only like 10 seconds after putting my hands down by my side they change colour. My GP doesn’t have much to say really 🙁 he said I have a ‘hyper reactive circulation’, or something like that? He also said there’s nothing I can do about it. He said it ‘might’ be raynaud’s disease. Still no help or cure apparently =/ When I walk the dog or something I always look down and can see brightly couloured purple/redy/orangey hands… I just wanna chop them off to be honest. Also, there’s been a couple of happenings. I’ve woken up in the morning or the middle of the night in real bad pain in the tips of 3 of my fingers, the left side of my nose, and my whole left arm. My fingers and nose were really painful, felt like they were seriously bruised or something, these lasted for about 2-3 days! My arm was just DEAD for about 10 minutes, couldn’t move it in the slightest, and when I woke up that night I wasn’t lieing on it. can someone PLEASE help me
A: You have Raynaud’disease,ask me how do i know,it run in our family
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