What ways can you get mono

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Transmission involves contact with saliva. Sharing pillows, straws, toothbrushes, or food from the same plate also spread mono. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-ways-can-you-get-mono ]
More Answers to “What ways can you get mono
What are they ways that you get mono…?
drinking or using utensils from a person that has it. I got it just from being in a room with a girl that had it and was coughing and sneezing.
What are all the ways you can get mono?
kissing, drinking out of the same drink of another person who has it anyway you could possibly share saliva like straws, pillows, toothbrushes or food off the same plate, lipgloss… hope i helped !
Can you get mono this way?
yes if she had her hand in her mouth. But at this point she should be less contagious.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many ways can Mono be transmitted?
Q: I know mono is spread by saliva, but is that the only way?If I am in the same room as someone, Am I contiguous to them?
A: I all depends because Mono could be associated with Strep too and Strep is contagious to anyone you are around but i think Mono is just by kissing someone, Might have to see how bad the Mono is.
I have mono, are there still ways I can work-out?
Q: I know that when you have mono you should be resting, however, I’ve been trying to lose weight and tone up my body. I’m getting headshots/composites done for an agency in 3 months and I need to look toned and amazing. Are there ways I can work out with mono?HELP!
A: Mono is one of those illnesses that REQUIRES a lot of bed rest. Believe it or not, if you exercise with mono, it will slow down you healing rate. Make sure you take a lot of fluids in, take your meds, and let the mono go away. I know it’s hard to stay in bed or just lie around on a sofa, but in this case, I know you shouldn’t be jumping around. Please, just rest and if you don’t want to take my word for it, ask your doctor and see what he says about. I think he will agree with me. Hope you feel better soon, That mono is nasty.
What are the best ways to handle mono?
Q: What are the best treatments of mono? How can one prevent themselves from obtaining it as well as spreading it?And just how long do the symptoms last?Will this virus stay with a victem permanently or can one be healed of it?
A: since it is a virus, the person has it for their life. Best treatment depends on the symptoms and how severe it is…it might take steroids for some, or just sleep. Symptoms last varying times, depending on how serious it is. sometimes a few days, sometimes weeks
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