What temperature should you go to the doctor for

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In general, adults should go to a doctor for a fever if your temperature goes above 103 degrees F [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-temperature-should-you-go-to-the-doctor-for ]
More Answers to “What temperature should you go to the doctor for
What temperature fever should you go to a doctor??
If it is a child, I’d say between 100 and 102 F would be a good idea, kids can run a lot higher than that fast. Kids can hit about 104. Adults tend to run lower. As you age, your metabolism slows down and your average temperature might be l…
How many days should you wait before you go to the doctor with a …?
If you’ve had a persistant low-grade temperature with no explanation for more than three days, I’d recommend going to the doctor.
Should a person with 101.5 body temperature go to the doctors??
if you have taken something to bring the fever down and it comes back YES you should got to the doctor. A fever is the way that your body is telling you that it is trying to fight off something. If the fever keeps coming back you may need a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have a temperature of 102f when should I go to the doctor or Emergency?
Q: I have been feeling sick all day and when I got home from work I started feeling worse. I have a ear ache, a fever of 102f (rising), my legs are kinda numb and iI have a soar throat. Does anyone know what I have? Should I go get checked out. I don’t feel like going to the doctors because it’s 7pm and its raining. PLease help!Thx to anyone!
A: You should probably head right to the emergency. That Temperature is extremely high, and the numb legs is worrisome.Id recommend calling EMS since your legs are numb, driving may not be a good idea
What temperature fever should you go to a doctor?
A: If it is a child, I’d say between 100 and 102 F would be a good idea, kids can run a lot higher than that fast. Kids can hit about 104. Adults tend to run lower. As you age, your metabolism slows down and your average temperature might be lower, like 97.6 or so, rather than 98.6. If you go to a doctor and the records show your average temperature for check ups is say 97.8 and you have 100, it is ‘higher’ than if you average around 98.6 and hit 100. But anything from 100-102 is in the zone to be cautious and probably call a doctor, over 102 for an adult can be bad.If you have symptoms of the flu, even if your fever has not gone that high, talk to or go to a doctor. Fever can be high with the flu, sometimes it is lower depending on the person.
At what fever temperature should you go to the doctor?
Q: Oh and I’m 17 years old if that makes any difference.oh and earlier today, I was at 103.8, took some Ibprofun and it went down to 101.5It started thursday at 2:30 AM at 102.5. It is currently 104.6. I just took some Ibuprofen to help it go down.
A: Anything over 103… dont listen to JG. Damage starts at around 106, not 104.
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