What stops a stomach ache

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A good cure for stomach pain is drinking something with either peppermint or ginger, like a nice tea or natural ginger ale. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-stops-a-stomach-ache ]
More Answers to “What stops a stomach ache
How to Stop a Stomach Ache
・ 1 By using a simple acupressure and massage technique you can relieve your stomach pain and diarrhea… ・ 2 Place the index finger of the left hand on the palm side, opposite your left thumb. Squeeze. It hurts… ・ 3 Now repeat with oppos…
How can I stop my stomach ache pain?
Ibuprofen and a warm heating pad where it hurts
What can i do to stop my stomach ache?
Hey James Try eating some thing. Your stomach hurts and is making noise because it is empty. Don’t eat to much because it is going to hurt as well, but do eat some thing small, it will settle your stomach, drink some kind of juice and then …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you stop a stomach ache?
Q: My stomach is rumbling and bubbling like a volcano, and I have a stomach ache. Any natural solutions, not Tums or anything?
A: this may sound like a bizarre thing to do, but this happened to me today at school:drink a can of Pepsi… no lie i get these huge stomach aches that make me double over in pain every morning… my teacher had gone to the doctor once for the same problem and he told her to drink a can of Pepsi whenever that happens… so she gave me one and my stomach ache was gone in minutes.
How should I stop this stomach ache?
Q: I just ate dinner and now I have a very bad stomach ache.Is there anything I can eat to make it a little better?
A: Sounds like you overate and possibly have to let digestion happen now. I feel that if you stay still with a pillow on your stomach, or to sit up and rub it or to just stand and let the digestion happen easier then you will find relief or should within 30 minutes at the most for this. Next time don’t eat fast or don’t eat a lot at a meal as they say that the eyes can see all that food and want it yet the stomach doesn’t get the message from the brain that it’s full until about 20 minutes into eating. I would pace yourself and take eating breaks to not repeat this.
How do I stop a stomach ache without taking medication?
Q: My stomach is killing me!!!! How can I make it stop without taking medication?
A: Dear Hanna: This is work for me maybe work for you too.1- Ginger root tea2- apple sauce[cold]3-apple fruitwhen my stomach is killing me this all work like magic,
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