What should i do if my industrial ear piercing is infected

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If you think you might have an infection, get your piercing checked out by your piercer Many infections require antibiotics. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-my-industrial-ear-piercing-is-infected ]
More Answers to “What should i do if my industrial ear piercing is infected
Is my industrial ear piercing infected?
No, most likely not. All types of cartilage piercings (even nose) are prone to something called the Bump (also known as hypertrophic scarring). It’s not permanent, it’s more like temporary scarring due to pressure and it’s also just the way…
What should i do if my ear piercing[industrial] got infected??
If it kinda looks like there’s puss, then its probably infected. Just keep cleaning it a lot more, as often as you can, & maybe try putting some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and just letting it drip onto the infected part. It migh…

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What should i do if my ear piercing[industrial] got infected?
Q: i got it pierced about 3 months ago, so i ahevnt taken it off yet. On the top part of the hole, it looks like there is a pimple. Is it infected? If so what do i do? im really dont want to take it out if i dont have tothanks sooo much=]
A: If it kinda looks like there’s puss, then its probably infected. Just keep cleaning it a lot more, as often as you can, & maybe try putting some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and just letting it drip onto the infected part. It might sting and some white stuff might come out, but it will actually kill some of the infected cells.
Is my industrial ear piercing infected?
Q: I had my piercing for about 3 months. Theres like a little tiny bubble on my ear under the piercing. Is it infected? What can I do to get rid of it?
A: It happens. I would go to a doctor to get it checked out.
industrial piercing (ear infected?)?
Q: so i got this industrial piercing done on my ear about 5 weeks ago and it still hasnt healed..i understand it might take a little longer to heal.i noticed that these two little bumps appeared on my ear where the whole of the piercing is at..and sometimes clear liquid comes out of it..but its not pus..im scared that my piercing is infected..what do you guys think?.. and if it is infected..what is a way that i can make the infection go away with out going to the doctor, taking the piercing out or going back to the piercing place..help! 🙂
A: Generally indies take at least 3 months to heal. I had bumps like that on my helix – they’re small cysts. Clear liquid is ok – it’s not infected. Soak the affected area in warm salt water for 10 minutes once a day, then dry it with a clean paper towel. Most importantly, DO NOT touch or mess with it! Germs from your hands can get in and make it worse. The cysts may last for a couple weeks (even after it’s fully healed), but they go away eventually.If it starts oozing pus or blood or becomes painful, go back to the piercer and see what they recommend. (Although if they told you it would heal in less than 5 weeks, I wouldn’t trust them at all.)Also, someone above said to take it out… don’t do this! Removing the earing with draw any bacteria into the hole, which could then get really infected. And peroxide will just dry it out, which slows healing.
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