What should i do for strong stomach cramps

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Herbal peppermint tea, heating pads on your abdomen, or over the counter stomach ache medicines should help. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-for-strong-stomach-cramps ]
More Answers to “What should i do for strong stomach cramps
Why would overstraining a damaged thigh muscle cause strong stoma…?
Probably unrelated, just a coincidence. However ther is a muscle called the psoas muscle which is behind your pelvis/lower abdomen, and could have also been affected when you strained your thigh.
Are cramps tightening of the stomach heartburn headaches and stro…?
They were symptoms of my pregnancy, but just because you’re experiencing these symptoms does not mean that you are pregnant. They can also be symptoms of being overly stressed which can also affect your period.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What will relieve stomach cramps from a drug reaction?
Q: I took hydrocodone pain pills as prescribed for severe tooth pain along with antibiotics to destroy an infection, but the medicines give me strong cramping in the upper region of my diaphram muscles. Any suggestions for the cramps? Ice cream? Hot liquids? Pepto Bismal. WHAT??
A: Try eating a few regular crackers. If the pain is in your lower Abdomen then try a hot pack, hot water bottle, or very warm bath.Usually when people have bad stomach reactions with the medication it is from not eating prior to taking it.The soda crackers should do the trick fast but a little Pepto-bismo wouldn’t hurt anything
stomach pains and cramps for people that get adrenaline rushes?
Q: okay so I read on a magazine that adrenaline rushes are bad for people because there are some people that get stomach pains and cramps.so I was wondering if they get the cramps and pains during the adrenaline rush, right after the adrenaline rush, or later when they are calm and also are the pains and cramps strong?
A: as a medical professional, I will tell you that adrenaline (aka epinephrine) is usually seen as a good thing for most people. It’s a natural hormone that everyone has. Adrenaline “rushes” occur when the body secretes epinephrine at an unusually high rate in response to the brain sensing a threat or emergency type situation. Like when you get scared. Or even when you’re not mentally freaked out but your body is doing things like running for excercise (because if you need to run away from something like a bear or a murderer it’d be almost the same inner physiological response). In fact, adrenaline is prescribed to people who have certain medical issues because of it’s effects on the body.Major effects of adrenaline / epinephrine:-speeds up heart rate-opens up bronchioles for better air flow-opens up blood vessels in skeletal muscle, brain and heart-but constricts blood vessels in all other non-emergency organs-increases blood pressure-reduces swellingSo you see, all these reactions would benefit someone running from a pack of wolves, for example, or fighting in a boxing match. Also, doctors prescribe epinephrine (usually in an EpiPen) for people with allergic reactions because it will reduce the swelling in the throat and also open up the airway and also keep blood pressure from dipping too low, and pretty much reverses the reaction to an allergen. So adrenaline is actually very good, even critical, for people when they need it. And then it’ll go away on it’s own (heart rate and breathing return to normal, etc.)As far as the stomach cramps and pain, yes some people will experience that as well as nausea or vomiting (but not usually) – this is because the body sends more blood into the heart, brain, and skeletal muscle, and there’s not as much blood left for the other abdominal organs, especially to move food through the digestive system. So, some people’s bodies might say “hey, I want to run from this guy with the axe” instead of “hey, I want to digest that bacon cheeseburger and fries I just ate” so they feel nauseas or have abdominal pain because the abdominal organs now have less blood and nutrients than the rest of the body and everything is essentially slowed down in there while the rest of the body is sped up. But most people usually react just fine to adrenaline/epinephrine and it’s mostly a good thing and will go back to normal on its own.
Stomach cramps and sharp pains-36 weeks, help!!!?
Q: I am 36 weeks and have been in labor for 3 weeks now. I was on meds to stop my contractions until yesterday. They said that i was in the safe zone and they will just let me go ahead and go into labor. I am already 1 and a half CM. and 80% effaced. Well, I have been having contractions again since I came off the meds, but they aren’t regular contractions. But I have been having stomach cramps not as strong as menstural cramps, but I have been having diahrrea also. And I have been having really sharp pains right where my cervix would be. I live 40 minutes from the hosptial and don’t want to drive all the way up there for nothing. any advice other then call your doc, has anyone else experienced this?I have been having these cramps for 2 days now, and I am not in a lot of pain!
A: Have you been timing your contractions? How far apart are they from the beginning of one to the beginning of the other. If they get to be 5 minutes apart or less… you are more than likely in labor and need to call your doctor and tell him/her that you are on your way into the L&D. I’m 36 weeks today.. wish I was headed into L&D.. I’m just so anxious to see the baby now.Good Luck!
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