What should I do as I cannot fall asleep

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Sleep in a comfortable bed. A firm mattress and pillow are best. Make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. Most people MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-as-i-cannot-fall-asleep ]
More Answers to “What should I do as I cannot fall asleep
Boy have I had some sleepless nights! Here are some things the doctor said to try before he would put me on meds, and the combination of them improved my sleep so that I never had to get the meds: Don’t watch t.v. or work on the computer fo…
If you don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes of going to bed, or if you awaken during the night and cannot fall back to sleep, physicians recommend getting out of bed and doing another activity in another room. Read a book, take a warm bath o…
If you have trouble sleeping, you should discuss this with your doctor or nurse. They may be able to suggest relaxation methods or prescribe a sleep aid to help you get sufficient rest.

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I cannot go to sleep, what can I do to help me fall asleep?
Q: It’s 4:50 am and I have been up since 900 am Sunday. I have so many racing thoughts that I can’t seem to go to sleep. What do you guys do if you cannot fall asleep?
A: As a former chronic insomniac I have a few tips.Your internal clock is one of the most sensitive mechanisms you carry with you. If you are constantly changing your bedtime or giving yourself reasons to stay awake (e.g., yahoo answers, wikipedia, TV, engaging novels, stress, worries, etc.), you will not fall asleep.DISTRACTIONSTechnology is a specific destraction, try unplugging your devices and marveling at the silence you’ve not heard since you moved into your place. Discipline is crucial here.Internal matters such as stress, though, are more torturesome and cannot be unplugged in any intuitive manner. This is why you should keep a journal. If you have everything in your head on paper or in a pda or on a voice recorder, there’s no reason to bring it to bed with you. Give yourself time to organize your stress and accept that nothing can be done about them while you’re asleep.THE SLEEPIEST YOU’VE EVER BEENNow that you’ve distanced yourself from these stressors of waking life, you should feel an enourmous longing to crawl into your bed and pass out. If you can remember the longest day of your life, how amazing it felt to lay down and drift off, that’s a powerful tool to use anytime you move to your bed. if you lay down out of habit, it’s probably no good. If you lay down and you are not tired, you’ll probably stay awake and reinforce the fact that you cannot sleep.So, look at your bed. Remember all the times you fell asleep in it without any effort at all. Remember all the times your only wish was that you could be asleep. Wait until you absolutely MUST lay down, and then enjoy the sensation. Curl up and make yourself comfortable.IMAGERYThis technique helps me fall asleep:Get yourself into the zone. Relax every muscle in your body from your scalp to your toes and close your eyes. Construct a beach scene in your head, adding props and details as you convince yourself that the scenery is real. Eventually you hear sounds you didn’t invite, such as birds or the ocean. Then perhaps things will begin to move and you and you’ll feel, truly, as though you are there. This is hypnogogia, and sleep follows quickly.DREAMSReaquaint yourself with the dream state. If you do not have vibrant dreams there is something wrong with your diet or frontal lobe. B-6 vitamins are linked to dream vitality and melatonin lengthens REM state, though you should know that an excessive consumption of B vitamins is toxic to your brain. Why are dreams important? It is a time in which your mind will defragment many free radical thoughts, questions and concerns of yours. Enjoy the situations which unfold, they are free entertainment and insightful glimpses into potential realities. They are your own anticipations designed by your own sensitivities to the external world and its participants. Dreams are not magic, they are tools. From whom? From yourself. Trust them the way you trust your own intuition.DRUGS600mcg-3mg of Melatonin which is an over the counter sleep aid and hormone produced in the brain when the body senses a lack of sunlight. Within 45 minutes you will begin to feel somewhat goofy as your brain receives its cue to enter into the state between sleep and awake (hypnogogia). Weed is too expensive to just huff down and pass out from. You’ll save your lungs and your wallet, and possibly your freedom, depending on where you live, if you go with some other alternative.Benadryl is also a sleep aid. Never take more than the recomended dosage because it will make you trip in the most unpleasant way (look through Erowid for more details). I have a sensitivity to Benadyl that makes me feel as though my skeleton needs to take a walk without the rest of me attached to it. There’s really no remedy for that.I’ve had success with chamomile.I’ve also had success with Franzia.CONSUMABLESDo not drink caffiene, alcohol or anthing sugary after 5pm. Do not eat a big meal close to bedtime.Don’t take long naps during the day.Do check out the other guides from sleep enthusiasts on the web.Do get into the sleeping habit and if you’re still stuck, move your bed, flip your matress, do whatever it takes to break yourself of the idea that you cannot sleep.
I drank too much tea and now I cannot fall asleep, what do I do?
Q: I’ve been tossing and turning in bed for like an hour!I think it’s the caffeine in the tea.I am worried about church tomorrow.It’s almost 4 in the morning here.Should I stay up? Or try to sleep, although I cannot fall asleep?Any ideas?
A: read a book or sumthin that usually makes me tired…. if u still cant sleep then i wuld stay up and just go to sleep after church
I cannot fall asleep and just lay there in bed?
Q: I haven’t had school for a week and a half because of winter break. Well I have just gone to bed at 12 after reading a little bit but I seem to not be able to fall asleep until 1:30 or 2 these past few days. What can I do during the day to make me more tired at night? I haven’t went out of this house since Sunday because my parents freak out over the snow, I think im tired because I am not getting enough sun and oxygen…what do you think?
A: You need sunlight if you want help. Sunlight actually reduces the production of melatonin, which is the hormone that induces sleep. Get active and you’ll find yourself more tired whenever you leave the light, so to speak. Do not take pills – studies have found that they usually do nothing and only make the users additive and dependent.P.S. I deal with this on a regular basis. I sleep better when I’ve been outside most of the day.
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