What makes you have a sore throat

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Most often, a sore throat accompanies a viral infection, such as a common cold or the flu. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-makes-you-have-a-sore-throat ]
More Answers to “What makes you have a sore throat
What makes you have a sore throat?
My grandmother believes it is being out in the cold night air too much. Historically if I leave a fan on while I sleep I tend to get a sore throat, and a little runny nose from it. Going in and out of a house or warm place into a cold place…
What makes a sore throat feel better?
gargle with warm salt water or if you have some listerine or both. One after the other.
How can i make my sore throat go away?
boil some water. as your boiling the water pour some honey and squeeze some lemon juice on it. really helps.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What makes a sore throat so painful?
Q: I always get a cold where only my right lymph node in my throat swells up, and it’s really painful, and the other one doesn’t seem to do anything. Just the right lymph node. Anyway, I was just wondering what, exactly, makes a sore throat so painful in the first place?
A: A sore throat is caused by bacteria or a virus. When you catch one of those that effect the throat, the following happens. The virus or bacteria (I will call is a virus for simplicity) intrudes a cell in your throat and “hijacks it” or other words corrupts its DNA. The corrupt DNA now produces more of the virus and spews it out of the cell so that more cells can be infected. Your body recognizes that something is wrong and when it finds that the virus has taken over a bunch of your cells, it sends in defenders to kill them. These defener cells blow up your cells (literally) and cause surrouding damage to the nearby cells, causing a soar throat. There is alot more that goes on but ill stop here since this answers your question. The killing of your own cells caused by your own immune system causes a soar throat.
how to get a really sore throat that makes your voice go croaky or how to lose your voice?
Q: i need to know how to lose my voice or get a really sore throat that makes my voice go croaky. thanks. i can’t scream my head off as i am at home so please don’t suggest that 🙂
A: um first of all, why would you want to do something like that, if your still go to school, please grow up and go, but to answer your question it is screaming your head off like a lunatic, i suggest u try to scream along to screamo bands and just use your throat. good luck.
What makes a sore throat worse?
Q: I’ve had a really bad sore throat and it keeps getting worse and i don;t know what is causing it. Please help!
A: If your throat is getting worse call your doctor u may be developing strep throat and it needs to be treated right away or the pockets in the back of your throat could develop into something worse then strep that could result in hospitalization…suck on popsicles and cold drinks and take iburprofen for the pain 2 pills every 4-6 hours and it will feel some better
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