What makes green poop

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “What makes green poop”,you can compare them.

People can have green poop if they eat a diet rich in leafy green vegetables or if they consume large quantities of food coloring. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-makes-green-poop ]
More Answers to “What makes green poop
What makes poop green?
Are you talking about YOUR poop, or that of your bird’s? Well, if you mean why is your bird’s poop green, I have a cockateil and his poop is always dark green. That’s a good thing. But, if it’s runny and changes colour for a few days or mo…
How do you make green poop?
cause you eat green food like red poop poop
What makes my poop green?
Green poo is actually pretty normal. The color changes from various foods and drinks you ingest. But it’s also the natural color of poo before it travels through your intestines. If you have diarrhea, chances are you didn’t have much time t…

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I know this is nasty but what makes Poop Green?
Q: Honestly… This isnt meant as a joke so please dont delete or report, but i havent had “green poop” since i was a kid, but today it was really shocking me. I did have alcohol the same night, but i dont think that would do it so…ideas?
A: It is the food you eat, what is causing the poop color; sometimes it is the bacteria in it.With brown poop it is all the dead red blood cells what makes it brown..
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A: same with grape gatorade. It scared me at first, but ive grown to think it funny. It’s just the blue food coloring that mixes with your “waste”, that makes it appear green.
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Q: I noticed it happens with natural concord grape juice and grape cool aid.How does Purple turn into green?
A: IF you think that is fun, eat some beets right out of the can and then eat some asparagus
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