What is your opinion on swine flu

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I am just following the CDC’s advice and keeping healthy as should you. ChaCha Cares! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-your-opinion-on-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “What is your opinion on swine flu
What is your opinion of the swine flu.?
I think it is serious, but not as bad as the media is making it out to be. As far as flu goes, it is probably not worse than any other strain of flu. I think that the media has blown it out of proportion to get ratings. I think once it make…
What is your opinion on the Swine Flu epidemic?
My opinion is that it is yet another strain of the flu virus. The use of swine in it’s name serves to engender panic it seems. It could possibly become a pandemic. It could come back with a vengeance in the Autumn. So far there are 229 case…
Do we ask Lalu what Rabri’s opinion on Swine Flu is?
… If you want my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. I am not going to be channelling my husband …My husband is not secretary of state. I am.“ I thought she was right in feeling irked and also in not making statements on her husband’s be…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is your opinion on swine flu?
Q: 1. Are you afraid of it?2. Do you know much about it?This is my opinion:The media has pumped it up and named it (the deadly swine flu) Actually, no one has died from it in the USA but a 2 year old with a weak immune system from Mexico. I have had a desease 5 times worse than it. (e. coli 0157, the second person to get it in Colorado, 10 at the time now 35. Other person died) Anyhow, feel free to answer.And like you said, 3,600 people die a year from common flu.
A: to me. swine flu is nothing but the common flu we get every year. the only reason it’s a pendamic is because of how it spreads, and besides, like you said, the only people that died from swine flu had weak immune systems. so i’m not really worried about it.
What is your opinion on Swine Flu parties?
Q: I heard on the news yesterday that some people with the H1N1 virus are hosting parties so that others get sick while the virus is still relatively mild. I was shocked, I honestly did not think people did things like this anymore since chicken pox parties lost their popularity a long time ago.I am not for it or against it, some people just do weird things and it sparks my interest.What is your opinion? Did you go to one of these parties?
A: I’d rather not expose myself to it if I have the choice. I can see the logic of chickenpox parties, my child had chicken pox at 18m old and didn’t even notice he had it, whereas I had it at 10 years old and was sick as a dog, but I am not sure this is a good idea for flu – which you are not guaranteed to get anyway. Chickenpox is pretty much a given, we all get it eventually, but swine flu isn’t.I’d avoid it.
What is your opinion on swine flu vaccine?
Q: My daughter just turned 16 months her dr. recommends this vaccine im just concerned since its so new what if it harms her.
A: First, don’t panic like the medical people want you to do and then examine the facts. The Swine flu is a genetically engineered flu, just like the vaccine that was developed and patents filed before the first outbreak was discovered in Mexico by the Novaratis Corporation and Baxter Corporation. The fear mongering and statements like “millions died of the 1918 flu epidemic” is ludicrous. First of all the sanitation practices then created most of the problems and most people never died of the flu itself, but things like pneumonia that we have now been able to more than resolve with antibiotics and body fluid controls used as standard procedures these days. The circumstances are far from being the same conditions as what happened then. We can show that more people died from getting the vaccines than did from contracting the flu from others in the last flu panic attack a few years ago.The amount of people dying from the flu this year is less than each of the last two years, so this flu is not as bad as previous years. That should tell you something about all the hype that is being generated by the media. The next thing to consider is that there is no question that Autism is linked to vaccinations. 1 in 69 children are now getting Autism. You can listen to the crazies that are telling you it’s all safe and no proof has been shown that there is a connection, but wait, all you have to do is look at cultures that do NOT get vaccinated in America and the world to see that the Autism is virtually non existent. Then look at who is sponsoring and funding these so called “scientific studies” showing no link? When you look deep into this, you will find that following the money will give you the answer.There is no definite, positive proof that giving children vaccinations is giving a majority of them “mini-strokes.” This is now undisputed and the mechanism for this happening shows that the large amount of garbage being injected into the veins goes to two parts of the brain and invokes this trauma to the brain sites, causing the “mini-strokes” to happen. One of the eyes tilts and the face becomes slightly distorted. The computer program used to identify this and to track the problems is capable now of telling a parent almost to the day when the child was vaccinated. Some of these events are permanent and some are temporary, but this is now fact and undisputed. The reality is that anyone promoting vaccines to children should be investigated to see what their real motivations are or should be tested in regard to their intelligence. Anyone in the health industry should know that children have very little natural immunity when born and that the process of building immunity requires they get exposed to germs and develop those immunities in a permanent way. Mother’s breast milk contains many of the things that build immunity in the child. For the first 5 years, this immunity is developing. To give a child during this time vaccinations is NOT GOOD SCIENCE and non of those immunities from that pollution is giving them ANY permanent immunity. This is why many children are developing all these diseases like ear infections, asthma, ADD, ADHD, and neurological disorders, including Autism. Anyone dying of the flu are generally very sick people to begin with that should be looked after by practitioners that understand nutrition and how to build good immunities in people, not the lunatics promoting vaccines.Here’s a video for you to see about how AIDS got started. This is not some wacko alternative conspiracy guy flapping his gums, but a real person that has been recognized by the vaccine industry as a highly respected scientist. Google his name and see: Dr. Maurice HillemanNow watch what he says about the “Bargain Basement Technology” that vaccines are. He developed over 40 popular vaccines in his work at the Merck Corporation Drug Company:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W2MJbcgn1gNow you need to go to: www.marytocco.com and visit her site. She has been researching vaccines and related issues for over 30 years. She has 5 very healthy grown children that have never been vaccinated and never had the typical children problems.My advice and the advice of many very well informed professionals will simply tell you NOT to VACCINATE. Also, please know that if your daughter is harmed by the vaccine, the drug company is now exempt from you receiving any compensation or being able to prosecute them in any way. New laws bought and paid for by the vaccine drug companies. The VAERS information is available on the web to view all the injuries and deaths that are ocurring from vaccines. But, realize that only less than 10% of all doctors are complying with the law requiring they report to VAERS any problems with vaccines. Additionally, last year, the U.S. government paid over 1.5 billion dollars to victims of vaccinations. This, in my opinion, was done to not allow this information to become a big public spectacle and undermind the incentive to be vaccinated.good luck to you
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