What is wrong when it hurts to poop

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You may have hemmorhoids.They can make it painful to have a bowel movement.See your doctor to be sure. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-wrong-when-it-hurts-to-poop ]
More Answers to “What is wrong when it hurts to poop
What is wrong when your butt hurts when and bleeds when you poop??
Its probably haemorrids (i.e. piles). Go to the doc, he’ll give you a cream to ease them and probably pills to get rid of them.

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A: Its probably haemorrids (i.e. piles). Go to the doc, he’ll give you a cream to ease them and probably pills to get rid of them.
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A: It could be IBS. A classic symptom of IBS is abdominal pain, bloating or cramping before a bowel movement and the pain often goes away after you’ve pooped. You can also suffer from diarrhea and constipation and an upset stomach from it. I could look up IBS and read about it some more and see if you think that could be it. The thing is though..IBS is hard to diagnose because they have to rule out everything else first. Especially if you’ve had a change in your bowel habits like them becoming less or more frequent, if they have become narrow ans skinny or if you notice certain foods seem to trigger it. One other thing..drink lots of water and make sure you’re getting plenty of fiber. That may help a lot.
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