What is varicose veins

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is varicose veins”,you can compare them.

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be flesh colored, dark purple or blue. They often look like cords and appear twisted. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-varicose-veins ]
More Answers to “What is varicose veins
Your heart pumps blood throughout your body in long, muscular pipes called blood vessels. The pipes that transport the fresh, oxygen-rich blood (and the nutrients it carries) to your vital organs and tissues are called arteries. The tubes t…
enlarged (dilated), elongated, and twisted veins, usually found in the thighs and legs, ranging in size from small spider veins to very large …
Varicose vein are small or large vein that bulge above the surface of the skin and can range from skin colored to red, blue or purple. Most commonly they are seen on the inside or back of lower legs but are also found on other parts of the …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the best cure for varicose veins?
Q: I’ve been having this insecurity due to my varicose veins that I couldn’t even wear shorts or skirts. So I want to know what is there that can help me get rid of my varicose veins.
A: I found this on the ‘net…hope it helps.Surgery is used to remove varicose veins from the body. It is recommended for varicose veins that are causing pain or are very unsightly, and when hemorrhaging or recurrent thrombosis appear. Surgery involves making an incision through the skin at both ends of the section of vein being removed. A flexible wire is inserted through one end and extended to the other. The wire is then withdrawn, pulling the vein out with it. This is called “stripping” and is the most common method to remove superficial varicose veins. As long as the deeper veins are still functioning properly, a person can live without some of the superficial veins. Because of this, stripped varicose veins are not replaced.Injection therapy is an alternate therapy used to seal varicose veins. This prevents blood from entering the sealed sections of the vein. The veins remain in the body, but no longer carry blood. This procedure can be performed on an out-patient basis and does not require anesthesia. It is frequently used if people develop more varicose veins after surgery to remove the larger varicose veins and to seal spider-burst veins for people concerned about cosmetic appearance. Injection therapy is also called sclerotherapy. At one time, a method of injection therapy was used that did not have a good success rate. Veins did not seal properly and blood clots formed. Modern injection therapy is improved and has a much higher success rate.
How can you get rid of varicose veins?
Q: I’m moderately young- 20, and I realized I have what looks like is varicose veins on my right leg. How do I get rid of this?
A: to prevent them, you must have proper circulation going through your legs which means you should elevate them often (you get those veins form standing a lot), but to get rid of them, the only way thats known is probably cosmetic surgery
Are varicose veins around the heart a sign of something serious?
Q: My husband is 31 and has been an athlete most of his life until the past few years. He is physically in good shape and active. But recently he has had some heart palpitations and noticed varicose veins or more like spider veins below his heart on his chest.
A: gee if he’s having heart palpitations you should get him to the doctor maybe even the emergency room. Palpitations can be serious, they may be nothing but this is his heart you are talking about.
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