What is thrush and how do babies get it

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Oral thrush occurs when the fungus Candida albicans accumulates on the lining of your mouth. Babies get it from chewing on things. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-thrush-and-how-do-babies-get-it ]
More Answers to “What is thrush and how do babies get it
What is thrush, and how does a baby get it?
thrush is a type of yeast infection and it cause white spots in the mouth and sometimes the tounge is covered white it looks like milk stuck in the mouth kinda some babies act normal and some cry and act like it hurt to feed Take her to the…
Why Do Babies Get Oral Thrush?
Most infants naturally have the yeast candida albican in their mouths. Because their immune systems are not yet mature, the amount of yeast in the mouth can overgrow and lead to an infection. (Adults and older kids who have weakened immun…
How To Get Rid Of Baby Thrush
With my first baby, I had no idea what thrush was , and it was my baby’s healthcare provider that told me to watch out. Many babies develop a light form of this infection during their first months of living. It is caused by the fungus Candi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some ways to comfort babies with thrush?
Q: My Baby brother we just found out today he has thrush what are some ways i can tell my mom to comfort him to stop cryinjg for a little bit i feel so bad for him
A: Hi! My son had thrush when he was a very tiny newborn. He cried a bit. I think skin to skin contact is most soothing for any baby. It makes them calm and reassures them. The major thing is making sure he gets suspension drops for it. That will clear it up within a week or so.One way you could help your mother is to carry him around in a sling against your chest for an hour or so each day. Even though you are not his mother, he will bond with you and feel warm and safe. Babies do better when they have a lot of love and attention. Also taking him in the stroller for a wallk is good for him each day and will help him get some fresh air.
Can teething cause tongue thrush in babies?
Q: I am extremely hygienic if it comes to my baby’s pacifiers, bottles and toys but he still contracted tongue thrush could this be due to teething or should I keep the possibility of a Allergy in mind, thanks
A: I’ve never heard of teething or allergies causing thrush. Are you nursing? I know that my son contracted thrush through me when I was taking antibiotics during nursing. Could that be a possibility? Unfortuately, babies always stick things, especially their hands, in their mouths and even if you are the cleanest mom in the universe, these things can happen. Don’t be too hard on yourself! Discuss it with your doctor and perhaps he’ll have some suggestions. I hope you work it out and your baby feels better soon.
for women that have had babies with oral thrush while breastfeeding ?
Q: my 12 week old son has oral thrush.. His ped prescribed Nystatin for it.. I’ve been reading about that med and so many women said that it didn’t work and some said it made it worse…did nystatin work for your baby’s thrush? and do i apply it to my nipples as well?
A: The pediatrician should have prescribed you some as well. This is one of the main reasons why it doesn’t work so well is because most people only treat the child and do not treat the mother as well. You can apply some to your nipples as well in the meantime you need to call and get a prescription for yourself. The medication does work well when it is used the right way. Remember this is a topical cream – so the point is not to have the baby swallow it right away. It is best to put it on a q-tip and rub it around the mouth, checks and tongue.
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