What is the treatment for TSS

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the treatment for TSS”,you can compare them.

Doctors typically treat TSS with antibiotics and give intravenous fluids and medications to maintain normal blood pressure. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-treatment-for-tss ]
More Answers to “What is the treatment for TSS
What is the treatment for TSS?
Aggressive fluid management, along with intensive monitoring, is crucial early in the course of TSS. Initial empiric antibiotic therapy is crucial and should include beta lactamase-resistant antistaphylococcal agents; a protein synthesis in…
Are there age restrictions for treatment with NTI-tss??
While every dentist has certainly heard parents complain of a very young child who grinds their teeth while sleeping, the Standard NTI-tss device is best suited for permanent teeth. However, for children without permanent teeth who are symp…
Does the TSS provide support for treatment issues only??
No. We understand that often in order to think about accessing treatment there are other factors such as accommodation and finances that will need to be stabilized. Treatment is a holistic word and can involve a whole gammot of things.
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