What is the percent of people in America that have AIDS

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In North America 0.6% of people in America have AIDS. The greatest percentage is among black people. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-percent-of-people-in-america-that-have-aids ]
More Answers to “What is the percent of people in America that have AIDS
How many percent of people who have aids in america??
“The CDC believes up to 950,000 people in the US are infected with HIV. 280,000 of them don’t know it.” – Dec. 2004 Dr. Ronald Valdiserri, the director of the CDC HIV and AIDS prevention program Consider that infection rates have …
Part of the Republican Party’s platform that was released by delegates at their national convention last week included HIV/AIDS. The Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, as well as AIDS research, faith-based initiativ…
What does the future hold for people living with HIV/AIDS in Amer…?
In the short term, the continued funding of the Ryan White Program, and the end of ADAP waiting lists is good news for HIV positive people across the USA. However, with the numbers of people living with HIV growing by around 56,000 every ye…

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how many percent of people who have aids in america?
A: “The CDC believes up to 950,000 people in the US are infected with HIV. 280,000 of them don’t know it.”- Dec. 2004 Dr. Ronald Valdiserri, the director of the CDC HIV and AIDS prevention programConsider that infection rates have climbed a bit since 2004 and 40,000 to 50,000 new cases are estimated in the US every year.So consider the 2006 Census figures have almost 300 million. That looks like 1 in every 300. or about 0.33%.Please note that number can give a false sense of security. People who are sexually active with multiple partners have much higher infection rates. In some groups it is double digit. The percentage in the general population isn’t at all helpful at estimating personal risk.
Do you think that sometimes the media makes it seem like most of the Black people in America have AIDS?
Q: I calculated the information I’ve received from credible websites and I found out that only .0014 percent of the Black population actually have AIDS. Sure, it’s more than any other ethnic group, but I still think that it’s still an incredibly low number. With saying that, I still believe that there needs to be improvements done in the Black communities about AIDS and the education which regards that. In this case, AIDS statistics can at least stabilize itself rather than have it continue to rise at a dramatic rate.http://www.avert.org/usa-race-age.htmIt’s ridiculous, I know. It’s not fair to gay people either, especially gay men. I know that they are probably discriminated against and also stereotyped of having AIDS. It’s ignorant and ridiculous. It’s “nescient” knowledge.I’m just making a point in which it seems like the media always finds some way to alter the “truth”. I find it really interesting. This is not just with Black people in America and AIDS, there are other issues which aren’t race related that the media does this to also.Please tell me what you think “A LOT” means? Statistically speaking on a general stand point, the AIDS epidemic is lower in numbers than what one things, although I do agree that any number is too many.Beadingbusly– What makes you think that I’m denying it? Didn’t I just say that there still needs to be continuing education the Black communities about AIDS? Didn’t I just say that the AIDS in Black communities is still higher than the rest of the ethnic groups?? What part of this am I denying?? I think the only thing that would make you happy is if I said, “Every Black person in the United States is HIV/AIDS infected or will at one point be infected. That is not true.Like I stated before, Double standards is a biotch. I just find it hilarious how the people who obviously WANT to see me deny it will strangely not NOTICE everything I’ve stated in my posts. It’s very strange. People on here should know that I’m a extremely critical person. So, saying that I’m denying AIDS in the Black communities truly OFFENDS me. I asked a simple question and included credible statistics. What more do you have a problem with??
A: a lot of them dothey never use condoms thats why they have so many kidsjust speaking the truth..
Why are black people more proponed to AIDS than any other race group?
Q: “Although blacks accounted for approximately 13% of the population they accounted for the majority of HIV/AIDS diagnoses,””Blacks accounted for the greatest percentage of cases among males (44%) and the majority of cases among females (68%),” the report continues. Blacks also had the biggest percentage of pediatric HIV/AIDS diagnoses linked to HIV’s spread to babies from HIV-infected mothers (69%).Six of every ten U.S. children with perinatally acquired AIDS are black. “African Americans accounted for 19,206 (50%) of the estimated 38,730 new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in the United StatesHIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death for African American women between the ages of 25-34. I don�t think you heard me: Leading cause! In America, HIV/AIDS is becoming a real life epidemic for blacks in the U.S. African American women are about 20 times more likely to get AIDS than white females. In addition, African American women make up 70 percent of new AIDS cases in America.I’m not racist these are facts. Thank you SourceCenter for Disease Control; “HIV/AIDS Among Women”; 1 Jun 2007.when i say black I mean african- american.. sory for not making that clear
A: Because AIDS was engineered as a biological weapon over 3 decades ago. AIDS is not a natural disease. It was created as a weapon to kill populations of people for population control. AIDS has been designed as an ethnic disease. The .01% difference between humans has been accounted for, when the human genome was finally sequenced several years ago. AIDS has been designed as a ethno-specific disease that targets that .01% difference between humans. It is designed to reduce the population of Africa and Asia. Biological warfare is a means of destroying a nation of people without destroying the land’s resources. Atomic bombs and other war methods are highly destructive and render a land useless. Africa has many resources such as food exports, diamonds, gold, and oil that the West relies on. With biological warfare, you kill the people, but protect the land resources. Smart but sadistic.**Robin W thinks that there is a mutation that makes Whites immune to AIDS. White people are more resistant to AIDS, because AIDS was not created to kill white people.Please visit the links below.
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